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Details of 'REN/EE-017010' Work Item
Work Item Reference ETSI Doc.
STF Technical Body
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REN/EE-017010 (Word Format)
  REN/EE-017010 EN 300 019-2-0   EE 01
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2022-08-10) 2.2.1 2022-08-10 View Standstill Information 2020-10-05
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Beniamino Gorini Marcello Pagnozzi No View Transposition Data
Title Environmental Engineering (EE); Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment; Part 2: Specification of environmental tests; Sub-part 0: Introduction
Specification of environmental tests; 2-0 Introduction 
Scope and Field
of Application
Update existing standard to be in line with: with latest ETSI editorial style,
latest version of IEC standard,
add generic performance criteria and test applicability
Nokia Corporation, TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A., Huawei Tech.(UK) Co., Ltd, BT plc 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
  Better Living with ICT
Official Journal
2021-10-15 pagnozzi WG approval proposal in contribution EE(21)060017 was Accepted by EE
2021-10-12 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.5 contributed for Decision in EE(21)060017 as WG approval
2021-10-12 gorinib Final draft for approval proposal in contribution EE1(21)060004 was Accepted by EE 01
2021-10-12 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.5 contributed for Decision in EE1(21)060004 as Final draft for approval
2021-10-12 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.5 with status: Final draft for approval
2021-09-10 pagnozzi Stable draft proposal in contribution EE1(21)059008 was Available by EE 01 (see RC EE1(21)DIS022)
2021-05-25 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.4 contributed for Discussion in EE1(21)059008 as Stable draft
2021-05-25 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.4 with status: Stable draft
2021-05-23 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.3 contributed for Discussion in EE1(21)059003 as Early draft
2021-05-23 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.3 with status: Early draft
2020-10-15 GEMMA TB adoption of WI EE, see contribution EE(20)058022
2020-10-08 GEMMA WI proposed to WG EE 01, see contribution EE(20)058022
2020-10-08 GEMMA WI accepted by WG EE 01, see contribution EE1(20)058005r1
2020-10-08 GEMMA WI proposed to WG EE 01, see contribution EE1(20)058005r1
2020-10-05 GEMMA WI proposed to WG EE 01, see contribution EE1(20)058005

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