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Details of 'REN/ESI-0019411-1v131' Work Item
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  REN/ESI-0019411-1v131 EN 319 411-1   ESI
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2021-05-25) 1.3.1 2021-05-25 View Standstill Information 2019-05-28
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Sylvie Lacroix Hakim Mkinsi No View Transposition Data
Download Resolution meeting report
Title Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); Policy and security requirements for Trust Service Providers issuing certificates; Part 1: General requirements
Policy requirements for certification authorities issuing public key certificates 
Scope and Field
of Application
(i) address the problems with interpreting EN 319 411-1,
(ii) address the difficulties when trying to comply to eIDAS and CA/B forum with the EN and use this occasion to up-date the EN with latest CAB Forum Baseline and EV guidelines,
(iii) enhance harmonisation with other norms requiring secure enrolments (CEN 419 241-1, CIR 2015/1502).
(iv) Support "short term" certificates

Rationales for this work: since the publication of the EN 1 year ago, ESI received feedback from the market. It relates most of the time to difficulties in applying or interpreting the standard, sometime to requirements perceived as too severe. TSPs also have difficulties when trying to comply to eIDAS and CA/B forum requirements at the same time when using the EN. In the framework of the NWI ESI experts will seek for further comments to deal with.

See: ESI(19)67_020 for initial list of issues 
Cryptolog International, Sealed sprl, Nimbus Technologieberatung, Security &Standards Associates 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
extended validation certificat
Public key
trust services
Official Journal
2020-10-14 popenn Draft contributed - V 1.2.2 contributed for Decision in ESI(20)071_011 as Final draft for approval
2020-10-14 popenn A new draft is uploaded - V 1.2.2 with status: Final draft for approval
2019-06-07 COMPANS TB adoption of WI ESI, see contribution ESI(19)67_021r2
2019-06-07 COMPANS WI proposed to TB ESI, see contribution ESI(19)67_021r2
2019-06-04 POPENN WI proposed to TB ESI, see contribution ESI(19)67_021r1
2019-05-28 POPENN WI proposed to TB ESI, see contribution ESI(19)67_021

Specific aspects
  User/consumer aspects
  Security/Privacy aspects

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