2024-07-03 Version 2.3.3
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Details of 'REN/ERM-TGMAR-608' Work Item
Work Item Reference ETSI Doc.
STF Technical Body
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REN/ERM-TGMAR-608 (Word Format)
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Citation in the OJ (2022-11-10) 2.3.1 2021-12-23 View Standstill Information 2019-03-12
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Paul Bigwood Andrea Lorelli Yes View Transposition Data
Title VHF radiotelephone equipment for general communications and associated equipment for Class "D" Digital Selective Calling (DSC); Harmonised Standard for access to radio spectrum and for features for emergency services
VHF Class D DSC 
Scope and Field
of Application
Update of the Standard to reflect changes in use of GPS positional data and prioritised wait times for Distress,Urgency and Safety calls. 
ICOM (C.E.P.) FRANCE, Yaesu Musen Co. Ltd., Marine Rescue Technologies ltd, Raymarine Belgium Bvba 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Harmonised standard
  Public Safety
Wireless Systems
Official Journal
2022-11-10 L289  
2021-08-26 lorelli A new draft is uploaded - V 2.2.4 with status: Final draft for approval
2021-08-26 lorelli Status updated - V 2.2.3 with status: Final draft for approval
2021-02-17 butscheidt Start of TB approval process proposal in contribution ERM(20)72b034 was Accepted by ERM (see RC ERM(21)DEC934)
2021-01-25 lorelli Draft contributed - V 2.2.3 contributed for Decision in ERM(20)72b034 as Draft Review after PE
2021-01-25 lorelli A new draft is uploaded - V 2.2.3 with status: Draft Review after PE
2020-09-17 butscheidt TB approval proposal in contribution ERM(20)71b020 was Accepted by ERM (see RC ERM(20)DEC856)
2020-08-14 lorelli Draft contributed - V 0.0.5 contributed for Decision in ERM(20)71b020 as WG approval
2020-08-14 lorelli Resolution of EC comments proposal in contribution ERMTGMARINE(20)000015 was Accepted by ERM TGMARINE (see RC ERMTGMARINE(20)DEC024)
2020-07-29 lorelli Draft contributed - V 0.0.5 contributed for Decision in ERMTGMARINE(20)000015 as Final draft for approval
2020-07-29 lorelli A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.5 with status: Final draft for approval
2020-06-18 lorelli Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMTGMARINE(20)005019 was Accepted by ERM TGMARINE
2020-06-18 lorelli Draft contributed - V 0.0.4 contributed for Decision in ERMTGMARINE(20)005019 as Final draft for approval
2020-06-18 lorelli A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.4 with status: Final draft for approval
2020-03-10 lorelli Draft contributed - V 0.0.3 contributed for Information in ERMTGMARINE(20)000003 as Stable draft
2020-03-10 lorelli A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.3 with status: Stable draft
2019-09-03 lorelli A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.2 with status: Stable draft
2019-06-06 lorelli Draft contributed - V 0.0.1 contributed for Discussion in ERMTGMARINE(19)002018 as Stable draft
2019-06-06 lorelli A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.1 with status: Stable draft
2019-04-11 BUTSCHEI TB adoption of WI ERM, see contribution ERM(19)67b005 in RC ERM(19)DEC659
2019-03-12 LORELLI WI proposed to WG ERM TGMARINE, see contribution ERM(19)67b005
2019-03-12 LORELLI WI accepted by WG ERM TGMARINE, see contribution ERMTGMARINE(19)053006
2019-03-12 LORELLI WI proposed to WG ERM TGMARINE, see contribution ERMTGMARINE(19)053006

Specific aspects
  User/consumer aspects

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