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Details of 'REN/ERM-EMC-398' Work Item
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  REN/ERM-EMC-398 EN 303 446-1   ERM WGEMC
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2019-10-01) 1.2.1 2019-10-01 View Standstill Information 2018-10-10
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Dirk Eyfrig Antoine Mouquet No View Transposition Data
Title ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for combined and/or integrated radio and non-radio equipment; Part 1: Requirements for equipment intended to be used in residential, commercial and light industry locations
EMC of combined and/or integrated equipment: Residential locations 
Scope and Field
of Application
The standard sets requirements for combined radio and non-radio equipment in the domestic environment in respect of ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) u The standard, together with ?ETSI EN 301 489-1; ?plus the relevant parts of the ETSI EN 301 489-series for the specific radio technologies deployed; ?plus the relevant CENELEC EMC product standard(s) specifies the applicable test conditions, performance assessment and performance criteria for radio equipment, including any associated ancillary equipment. Technical specifications related to the antenna port of the radio equipment are not included in the standard. Such technical specifications are found in the relevant product standards for the effective use of the radio spectrum. In case of differences (for instance concerning special conditions, definitions, abbreviations) between this standard and ETSI EN 301 489-1, the provisions of this standard take precedence. The environmental classification and the emission and immunity requirements used in this standard are as stated in ETSI EN 301 489-1, except for any special conditions included in this standard. The content and conclusions of the newly developed EG 203 367 will be taken into account during the development of this standard.  
BMWi, Ofcom (U.K.), ROBERT BOSCH GmbH, PTS, Samsung R&D Institute UK, Philips International B.V., Great Circle Design, SICK AG 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Wireless Systems
Official Journal
2019-06-25 butscheidt Draft Review after PE proposal in contribution ERM(19)068051 was Accepted by ERM
2019-06-17 marshalli1 Draft contributed - V 1.2.1 contributed for Decision in ERM(19)068051 as Draft Review after PE
2019-06-17 marshalli1 Draft Review after PE proposal in contribution ERMEMC(19)057036 was Accepted by ERM WGEMC
2019-06-17 mouqueta Draft contributed - V 1.2.1 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(19)057036 as Draft Review after PE
2019-06-17 mouqueta A new draft is uploaded - V 1.2.1 with status: Draft Review after PE
2019-02-19 butscheidt Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERM(19)067026r1 was Accepted by ERM
2019-02-15 mouqueta Draft contributed - V 1.2.0 contributed for Decision in ERM(19)067026r1 as Final draft for approval
2019-02-15 mouqueta WG approval proposal in contribution ERM(19)067026 was Revised by ERM
2019-02-15 mouqueta A new draft is uploaded - V 1.2.0 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: The last version has been revised after a clean-up done by EditHelp
2019-01-30 mouqueta Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(19)056010r1 was Accepted by ERM WGEMC
2019-01-24 marshalli1 Draft contributed - V 1.1.6 contributed for Decision in ERM(19)067026 as Final draft for approval
2019-01-22 eyfrig Draft contributed - V 1.1.6 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(19)056010r1 as Final draft for approval
2019-01-22 eyfrig Stable draft proposal in contribution ERMEMC(19)056010 was Revised by ERM WGEMC
2019-01-22 eyfrig A new draft is uploaded - V 1.1.6 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Outcome after WGEMC_56 for approval by ERM
2019-01-08 eyfrig Draft contributed - V 1.1.5 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(19)056010 as Stable draft
2019-01-08 eyfrig A new draft is uploaded - V 1.1.5 with status: Stable draft - with comment: Outcome of RM_03, 2019-01-08
2018-12-11 eyfrig Draft contributed - V 1.1.4 contributed for Information in ERMEMC(18)000055 as Early draft
2018-12-11 eyfrig A new draft is uploaded - V 1.1.4 with status: Early draft - with comment: Outcome of RM2, 2018-12-10
2018-12-03 eyfrig Draft contributed - V 1.1.3 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(18)000052 as Early draft
2018-11-20 eyfrig A new draft is uploaded - V 1.1.3 with status: Early draft - with comment: Outcome of RM_1, 2018-11-20
2018-11-17 eyfrig Draft contributed - V 1.1.2 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(18)000045r1 as Early draft
2018-11-17 eyfrig Early draft proposal in contribution ERMEMC(18)000045 was Revised by ERM WGEMC
2018-11-17 eyfrig A new draft is uploaded - V 1.1.2 with status: Early draft - with comment: Addition of Annex C, Guidance on DoC
2018-11-16 forina Draft contributed - V 1.1.1 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(18)000045 as Early draft
2018-10-30 eyfrig A new draft is uploaded - V 1.1.1 with status: Early draft - with comment: The content of EN 303 446-1 DEN_ERM-EMC-348-1 V.1.1.1 has been transferred to an EN template.
2018-10-10 BUTSCHEI TB adoption of WI ERM, see contribution ERM(18)066003a3r1
2018-10-10 BUTSCHEI WI proposed to WG ERM WGEMC, see contribution ERM(18)066003a3r1
2018-10-10 FORINA WI proposed to TB ERM, see contribution ERM(18)066003a3

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