2024-07-03 Version 2.3.3
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Details of 'REN/ERM-EMC-392' Work Item
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STF Technical Body
in Charge
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  REN/ERM-EMC-392 EN 300 386   ERM WGEMC
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Delivery to the EC (2022-10-10) 2.2.1 2022-09-08 View Standstill Information 2017-07-05
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Beniamino Gorini Antoine Mouquet Yes View Transposition Data
Title Telecommunication network equipment; Harmonised Standard for ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements
Revision of EN300386 
Scope and Field
of Application
To revise:
- Foreword according to the EU Commission comments
- Annex A on relationship with EMC directive articles according to the EU Commission comments
- Delete references to EN 55022 and the associated definition of telecommunication ports because this standard has been replaced by EN 55032 in March 2017 
Nokia Corporation, PTS, Cisco Systems Belgium, Brocade Communications Systems 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Harmonised standard
Wireless Systems
Official Journal
2023-04-17 mouqueta The EC rejected to cite this HS in the OJEU (Ares(2023)2696972)
2022-06-21 butscheidt Draft Review after PE proposal in contribution ERM(22)077023 was Accepted by ERM
2022-05-20 mouqueta Draft contributed - V 2.1.25 contributed for Decision in ERM(22)077023 as Draft Review after PE
2022-05-20 mouqueta Draft Review after PE proposal in contribution ERMEMC(22)066023r1 was Accepted by ERM WGEMC
2022-05-18 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.25 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(22)066023r1 as Draft Review after PE
2022-05-18 gorinib Draft Review after PE proposal in contribution ERMEMC(22)066023 was Revised by ERM WGEMC
2022-05-18 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.25 with status: Draft Review after PE
2022-05-17 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.24 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(22)066023 as Draft Review after PE
2022-05-17 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.24 with status: Draft Review after PE
2021-01-29 mouqueta A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.23 with status: Draft Review after PE
2020-09-09 butscheidt Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERM(20)71b015r1 was Accepted by ERM
2020-09-09 mouqueta Draft contributed - V 2.1.22 contributed for Decision in ERM(20)71b015r1 as Final draft for approval
2020-09-09 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.22 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Revision to resolve the comment raised in TC-ERM
2020-09-09 butscheidt WG approval proposal in contribution ERM(20)71b015 was Noted by ERM (see RC ERM(20)DEC851)
2020-07-31 mouqueta Draft contributed - V 2.1.21 contributed for Decision in ERM(20)71b015 as WG approval
2020-07-31 mouqueta Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(20)061020 was Accepted by ERM WGEMC
2020-07-30 gorinib Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(20)061019 was Noted by ERM WGEMC
2020-07-30 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.21 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(20)061020 as Final draft for approval
2020-07-30 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.21 with status: Final draft for approval
2020-07-30 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.20 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(20)061019 as Final draft for approval
2020-07-30 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.20 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Approved in ERM-EMC WG with editorial comments resolved in this draft
2020-07-30 gorinib Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(20)061011 was Noted by ERM WGEMC (see RC ERMEMC(20)DEC035)
2020-07-06 mouqueta Draft contributed - V 2.1.19 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(20)061011 as Final draft for approval
2020-07-06 mouqueta A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.19 with status: Final draft for approval
2020-05-26 mouqueta Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(20)060020 was Noted by ERM WGEMC
2020-05-20 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.18 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(20)060027 as Final draft for approval
2020-05-20 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.18 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Final draft with changes to resolve HAS consultant comments
2020-05-08 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.17 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(20)060020 as Final draft for approval
2020-05-08 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.17 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Revision to resolve comments from EU Commission consultant
2020-01-20 mouqueta Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(20)059012 was Noted by ERM WGEMC
2020-01-20 mouqueta Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(20)059023 was Noted by ERM WGEMC
2020-01-20 mouqueta Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(20)059025 was Noted by ERM WGEMC
2020-01-10 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.16 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(20)059025 as Final draft for approval
2020-01-10 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.16 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Final draft for review of HAS consultant
2020-01-08 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.15 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(20)059023 as Final draft for approval
2020-01-08 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.15 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Draft of EN 300386 including the comments received in Remote Consensus (reference documents: ERMEMC(20)059012 and ERMEMC(20)059019)
2020-01-08 gorinib Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(20)059012 was Available by ERM WGEMC (see RC ERMEMC(19)DIS024)
2019-12-23 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.14 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(20)059012 as Final draft for approval
2019-12-23 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.14 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Revised draft to resolve comments from EU Commission consultant
2019-07-04 mouqueta Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(19)057020 was Noted by ERM WGEMC
2019-06-19 mouqueta Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(19)057026 was Accepted by ERM WGEMC
2019-06-13 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.13 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(19)057026 as Final draft for approval
2019-06-13 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.13 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Draft produced at ERM-EMC WG_57 meeting
2019-06-11 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.12 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(19)057020 as Final draft for approval
2019-06-11 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.12 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Revised draft with comments from EU consultant
2019-02-27 mouqueta A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.11 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Cleaned-up version
2019-01-30 mouqueta Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMEMC(19)056030 was Noted by ERM WGEMC
2019-01-30 mouqueta Stable draft proposal in contribution ERMEMC(19)056029 was Noted by ERM WGEMC
2019-01-23 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.10 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(19)056030 as Final draft for approval
2019-01-23 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.10 with status: Final draft for approval
2019-01-22 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.9 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(19)056029 as Stable draft
2019-01-22 gorinib Stable draft proposal in contribution ERMEMC(19)056025 was Revised by ERM WGEMC
2019-01-22 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.9 with status: Stable draft
2019-01-21 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.8 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(19)056025 as Stable draft
2019-01-21 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.8 with status: Stable draft - with comment: Aligment with latest HS ETSI template
2019-01-17 minaev Stable draft proposal in contribution ERMEMC(18)055015 was Noted by ERM WGEMC
2018-10-03 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.7 with status: Early draft
2018-09-18 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.6 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(18)055015 as Stable draft
2018-09-18 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.6 with status: Stable draft
2017-10-17 BUTSCHEI TB adoption of WI ERM, see contribution ERM(17)063029r1
2017-09-27 minaev Stable draft proposal in contribution ERMEMC(17)053007 was Noted by ERM WGEMC
2017-09-27 minaev Draft contributed - V 2.1.5 contributed for Decision in ERM(17)063037 as Working Draft
2017-09-27 minaev Preliminary Draft proposal in contribution ERMEMC(17)053016 was Accepted by ERM WGEMC
2017-09-27 MINAEV WI proposed to WG ERM WGEMC, see contribution ERM(17)063029r1
2017-09-27 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.5 contributed for Decision in ERMEMC(17)053016 as Preliminary Draft
2017-09-27 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.5 with status: Preliminary Draft
2017-09-26 MINAEV WI proposed to WG ERM WGEMC, see contribution ERM(17)063029
2017-09-22 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.4 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(17)053007 as Stable draft
2017-09-22 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.4 with status: Stable draft - with comment: Draft with comments received from the Remote Consensus
2017-07-05 gorinib Draft contributed - V 2.1.3 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(17)052016 as Working Draft
2017-07-05 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.3 with status: Preliminary Draft
2017-07-05 minaev Draft contributed - V 2.1.2 contributed for Discussion in ERMEMC(17)052014 as Preliminary Draft
2017-07-05 GORINIB A new draft is uploaded - V 2.1.2 with status: Preliminary Draft
2017-07-05 GORINIB WI accepted by WG ERM WGEMC, see contribution ERMEMC(17)052013r1
2017-07-05 GORINIB WI proposed to WG ERM WGEMC, see contribution ERMEMC(17)052013r1
2017-07-05 GORINIB WI proposed to WG ERM WGEMC, see contribution ERMEMC(17)052013

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