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Details of 'DE/SMG-010267QR' Work Item
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  DE/SMG-010267QR ETS 300 924 061V SMG 01
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Edition Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (1997-06-03) 1 1997-05-21 View Standstill Information 1996-11-22
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Peter Van der Arend Ian Doig No View Transposition Data
Title Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption service (eMLPP); Stage 1 (GSM 02.67 version 5.0.3)
Scope and Field
of Application
This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) specifies the stage 1 d
escription of the enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption Serv
ice (eMLPP). This service has two parts: precedence and pre-emption. P
recedence involves assigning a priority level to a call in combination
with fast call set-up. Pre-emption involves the seizing of resources,
which are in use by a call of a lower precedence, by a higher level p
recedence call in the absence of idle resources. Pre-emption can also
involve the disconnection of an on-going call of lower precedence to a
ccept an incoming call of higher precedence.
The eMLPP service is provided as a network operator s option to a doma
in of a network. The domain can be the whole network or a subset of th
e network. The eMLPP service applies to all network resources in the d
omain that is in common use. The eMLPP service is applicable to all mo
bile stations in the domain with all or some mobile stations having a
respective subscription assigning precedence according to the eMLPP se
eMLPP is a supplementary service and shall be provided to a subscriber
for all basic services subscribed to and for which eMLPP applies.
NOTE: It is under study whether normal GSM phase 2 mobile stations wil
l be able to be used for this service.
The service is described from the service subscriber s and user s poin
t of view, in particular:
- the procedure for normal operation with successful outcome;
- the action to be taken in exceptional circumstances;
- the interaction with other GSM services and features.
This ETS does not deal with the Man-Machine Interface (MMI) requiremen
ts, but makes reference to the appropriate Global System for Mobile co
mmunications (GSM) specifications.
This ETS is applicable to telese vices 1x and 6x and to all bearer ser
vices used in a mobile network according to the digital cellular telec
ommunications system GSM if eMLPP is provided. Any interaction with ot
her services and/or networks not dealt with in sections 8 or 9 are out
side the scope of this ETS.
Not Available


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Official Journal
    PT12: Peter van Der Arend

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