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Details of 'DE/SMG-010209Q' Work Item
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  DE/SMG-010209Q ETS 300 920 012 SMG 01
  Current Status
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Edition Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (1997-05-02) 1 1997-04-30 View Standstill Information 1996-11-06
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Yves Bellego Ian Doig No View Transposition Data
Title Digital cellular telecommunications system; Security aspects (GSM 02.09 version 5.0.1)
Scope and Field
of Application
Bearer and Teleservices, as respectively defined in GSM 02.02 and GSM
02.03, are the objects which the GSM PLMN operators offer to their cus
tomers. Besides these basic telecommunications services, features whic
h aim at up grading these basic services need also to be offered. Due
to the use of radiocommunications in a PLMN, which are of a special na
ture compared to classical distribution transmission techniques used i
n the fixed networks, such a category of features is related to securi
ty aspects.
In a GSM PLMN, both the users and the network operator have to be prot
ected against undesirable intrusion of third parties. However, measure
s should be provided for in order to insure maximum protection of the
rights of the individuals concerns. As a consequence, a security featu
re is either a supplementary service to Tele or Bearer services, which
can be selected by the subscriber, or a network function involved in
the provision of one or several telecommunication services.
The purpose of this European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) is to de
fine the security features which are to be available in a GSM PLMN, to
gether with the associated levels of protection. This ETS is only conc
erned with those security features which aim at the up grading of the
security in a GSM PLMN. In particular, end to end security is outside
the scope of this ETS.
The implementation aspects of security features are described in GSM 0
Not Available


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