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Details of 'RE/SMG-071110PR2-1' Work Item
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  RE/SMG-071110PR2-1 ETS 300 607-1 079 SMG 07
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Edition Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (1997-06-04) 4 1997-05-30 View Standstill Information 1996-04-10
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Jonathan West Ian Doig No View Transposition Data
Title Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2) (GSM); Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification; Part 1: Conformance specification (GSM 11.10-1)
Scope and Field
of Application
This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) describes the technical
characteristics and methods of test for Mobile Stations (MS), for the
Pan European digital cellular communications system and Personal Comm
unication Systems (PCS) operating in the 900 MHz and 1 800 MHz band (G
SM 900 and DCS 1 800), standardized by ETSI Technical Committee Specia
l Mobile Group (SMG).
A subset of the tests is referenced in the GSM Common Technical Regula
tions (CTRs) and is used for regulatory conformance testing according
to the EEC procedures for Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (TTE)
type approval (EC Directive 91/263/EEC; also known as the "Terminal Di
rective" or "Second Phase Directive"). The remaining tests can be used
to verify conformance with the GSM core technical specifications for
those requirements that are not considered "essential" in the sense of
the EC Directive 91/263/EEC (Article 4).
This ETS covers the minimum characteristics considered necessary in or
der to provide sufficient performance for mobile equipment and to prev
ent interference to other services or to other users, and to the PLMNs
It does not necessarily include all the characteristics which may be r
equired by a user or subscriber, nor does it necessarily represent the
optimum performance achievable.
It applies to the public land mobile radio service in the GSM 900 and
DCS 1 800 systems, using constant envelope modulation and operating on
radio frequencies in the 900 and 1 800 MHz bands respectively with a
channel separation of 200 kHz and carrying 8 full rate channels or 16
half rate channels per carrier according to the TDMA principle.
This ETS is part of the GSM-series of technical specifications. This E
TS neither replaces any of the other GSM technical specificotions or G
SM related ETS, nor is it created to provide full understanding of (or
parts of) the GSM 900 and DCS 1 800 systems. This ETS lists the requi
rements, and provides the methods of test for testing a MS for conform
ance to the GSM standard.
For a full description of the system, reference should be made to all
the GSM technical specifications or GSM related ETSs. Clause 2 provide
s a complete list of the GSM technical specifications, GSM related ETS
s, and ETRs, on which this conformance test specifications is based.
This ETS applies to the unit which includes the hardware to establish
a connection across the radio interface.
If there is a difference between this conformance test ETS, and any ot
her GSM technical specification or GSM related ETS, then the other GSM
technical specification or GSM related ETS shall prevail.
Not Available


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Official Journal
    TS into ETS (6/93)

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