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Details of 'REN/ERM-TG28-522' Work Item
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  REN/ERM-TG28-522 EN 300 440   ERM TG28
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Citation in the OJ (2017-07-14) 2.1.1 2017-03-20 View Standstill Information 2015-03-12
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Timothy Harrington Igor Minaev Yes View Transposition Data
Title Short Range Devices (SRD); Radio equipment to be used in the 1 GHz to 40 GHz frequency range; Harmonised Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU
SRD between 1 GHz to 40 GHz 
Scope and Field
of Application
This work includes merging of current versions of part 1 and 2. Revision of current standard parts to cover the essential requirements of article 3.2 of the RE-D. Clarifications in the measurement procedure and of the regulation framework. 
ROBERT BOSCH GmbH, ISAD e.V, ZES BVBA, Silver Spring Networks 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
  Harmonised standard
  Better Living with ICT
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Official Journal
2016-10-26 butscheidt Draft Review after PE proposal in contribution ERM(16)060027 was Accepted by ERM
2016-09-29 minaev Draft contributed - V 2.0.11 contributed for Decision in ERM(16)060027 as Draft Review after PE
2016-09-29 minaev A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.11 with status: Draft Review after PE
2016-09-14 minaev TB approval proposal in contribution ERMTG28(16)045028 was Withdrawn by ERM TG28
2016-09-14 minaev Draft contributed - V 2.0.10 contributed for Decision in ERM(16)59b038 as TB approval
2016-09-14 minaev TB approval proposal in contribution ERMTG28(16)045029 was Accepted by ERM TG28
2016-09-13 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.10 contributed for Decision in ERMTG28(16)045029 as TB approval
2016-09-13 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.10 contributed for Decision in ERMTG28(16)045028 as TB approval
2016-02-23 butscheidt Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERM(15)57b027r1 was Accepted by ERM
2016-02-23 butscheidt Draft contributed - V 2.0.10 contributed for Decision in ERM(15)57b027r1 as Final draft for approval
2016-02-23 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.10 contributed for Decision in ERM(16)058115r1 as Final draft for approval
2016-02-23 harringtont WG approval proposal in contribution ERM(16)058115 was Revised by ERM
2016-02-23 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.9 contributed for Decision in ERM(16)058115 as WG approval
2016-02-23 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.10 contributed for Decision in ERMTG28(16)000012r1 as Final draft for approval
2016-02-23 harringtont WG approval proposal in contribution ERMTG28(16)000012 was Revised by ERM TG28
2016-02-23 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.10 with status: Final draft for approval
2016-02-23 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.9 contributed for Decision in ERMTG28(16)000012 as WG approval
2016-02-18 tosato Draft contributed - V 2.0.8 contributed for Decision in ERM(15)57b031 as Stable draft
2016-01-19 minaev Draft contributed - V 2.0.9 contributed for Decision in ERM(15)57b027 as WG approval
2016-01-19 minaev Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ERMTG28(16)000007 was Accepted by ERM TG28
2016-01-19 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.9 contributed for Decision in ERMTG28(16)000007 as Final draft for approval
2016-01-19 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.9 with status: Final draft for approval - with comment: Final draft with corrections for incorrect cross links and appendix reference errors.
2015-12-03 minaev Draft contributed - V 2.0.8 contributed for Decision in ERMTG28(15)000130 as Stable draft
2015-11-23 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.8 contributed for Discussion in ERMTG28(15)000127 as Stable draft
2015-11-23 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.8 with status: Stable draft
2015-11-23 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.7 contributed for Discussion in ERMTG28(15)000125 as Early draft
2015-11-23 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.7 with status: Early draft - with comment: Removed extra paragraph marks in clause 4
2015-11-03 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.5 contributed for Discussion in ERMTG28(15)000095r1 as Early draft
2015-11-03 harringtont Early draft proposal in contribution ERMTG28(15)000095 was Revised by ERM TG28
2015-11-03 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.6 with status: Early draft
2015-11-03 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.5 contributed for Discussion in ERMTG28(15)000095 as Early draft
2015-10-24 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.5 contributed for Discussion in ERMTG28(15)000088r2 as Early draft
2015-10-24 harringtont Early draft proposal in contribution ERMTG28(15)000088r1 was Revised by ERM TG28
2015-10-24 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.5 contributed for Discussion in ERMTG28(15)000088r1 as Early draft
2015-10-24 harringtont Early draft proposal in contribution ERMTG28(15)000088 was Revised by ERM TG28
2015-10-24 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.5 contributed for Discussion in ERMTG28(15)000088 as Early draft
2015-10-24 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.5 with status: Early draft
2015-10-13 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.4 contributed for Information in ERMTG28(15)042018r2 as Early draft
2015-10-13 harringtont Early draft proposal in contribution ERMTG28(15)042018r1 was Revised by ERM TG28
2015-10-07 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.3 contributed for Information in ERMTG28(15)042038 as Early draft
2015-10-07 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.4 with status: Early draft - with comment: Small errors corrected
2015-10-07 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.3 contributed for Information in ERMTG28(15)000082 as Early draft
2015-10-05 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.3 contributed for Information in ERMTG28(15)042018r1 as Early draft
2015-10-05 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.3 with status: Early draft
2015-10-05 harringtont Early draft proposal in contribution ERMTG28(15)042018 was Revised by ERM TG28
2015-10-05 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.2 with status: Early draft - with comment: Corre ted references, entries added for Appendix A, numbering error corrected
2015-10-01 harringtont Draft contributed - V 2.0.1 contributed for Information in ERMTG28(15)042018 as Early draft
2015-09-30 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.1 with status: Early draft
2015-09-30 harringtont A new draft is uploaded - V 2.0.0 with status: Early draft - with comment: Initial draft combines parts 1 and 2
2015-03-25 BUTSCHEI TB adoption of WI ERM, see contribution ERM(15)055098r1
2015-03-25 BUTSCHEI WI proposed to TB ERM, see contribution ERM(15)055098r1
2015-03-13 MINAEV WI proposed to TB ERM, see contribution ERM(15)055098
2015-03-13 MINAEV WI accepted by WG ERM TG28, see contribution ERMTG28(15)040022r2
2015-03-12 HARRINGT WI proposed to WG ERM TG28, see contribution ERMTG28(15)040022r2
2015-03-12 HARRINGT WI proposed to WG ERM TG28, see contribution ERMTG28(15)040022r1
2015-03-12 HARRINGT WI proposed to WG ERM TG28, see contribution ERMTG28(15)040022

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