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Details of 'REN/EE-EEPS008' Work Item
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  REN/EE-EEPS008 EN 303 215   EE EEPS
  Current Status
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Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2015-04-10) 1.3.1 2015-04-10 View Standstill Information 2013-05-30
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Paolo Gemma Marcello Pagnozzi No View Transposition Data
Title Environmental Engineering (EE); Measurement methods and limits for power consumption in broadband telecommunication networks equipment
update of ES 203 215 to insert new measurement method and transformation to EN 
Scope and Field
of Application
1) Test condition of small ONU dedicated to installation on outdoor cabinet. We need discuss influence of temperature on energy consumption to determine the influence of the cooling techniques on the total energy consumption to determine if it is necessary change the test condition and the influence on the target value. The result of discussion should be a change of test condition and/or a annex that reports the analysis of the high temperature impact on energy consumption of ONU.
2) Vectoring functionality measurement methods, it is necessary establish the methodologies for measure the energy consumption of equipment with the Vectoring functionality activate to verify the conformance to the value establish by the future version of the CoC. This activity will consider the work of BBF on definition of vectoring test conditions and shall be made in liaison with BBF.
3)Transformation of the document in a EN
4)Update of informative annex with target limit or deletion if not necessary to update periodically. 
Alcatel-Lucent, TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A., ORANGE SA, Huawei Technologies (UK) 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Energy Efficiency
  Better Living with ICT
Official Journal
2014-09-17 gemma Draft contributed - V 1.2.6 contributed for Decision in EE(14)045028 as WG approval
2014-09-17 gemma Final draft for approval proposal in contribution EEPS(14)000103r1 was Accepted by EE EEPS
2014-09-17 gemma Draft contributed - V 1.2.6 contributed for Decision in EEPS(14)000103r1 as Final draft for approval
2014-09-17 gemma Final draft for approval proposal in contribution EEPS(14)000103 was Revised by EE EEPS
2014-09-17 gemma A new draft is uploaded - V 1.2.6 with status: Final draft for approval
2014-09-17 gemma Draft contributed - V 1.2.5 contributed for Decision in EEPS(14)000103 as Final draft for approval
2014-09-17 gemma A new draft is uploaded - V 1.2.5 with status: Final draft for approval
2014-09-17 gemma Early draft proposal in contribution EEPS(14)044009r1 was Available by EE EEPS (see RC EEPS(14)DIS009)
2014-07-11 aubree Draft contributed - V 1.2.4 contributed for Discussion in EE(14)000013 as Early draft
2014-07-01 pagnozzi Draft contributed - V 1.2.4 contributed for Discussion in EEPS(14)044009r1 as Early draft
2014-07-01 pagnozzi A new draft is uploaded - V 1.2.4 with status: Early draft
2014-07-01 pagnozzi Early draft proposal in contribution EEPS(14)044009 was Revised by EE EEPS
2014-04-22 gemma Draft contributed - V 1.2.3 contributed for Discussion in EEPS(14)044009 as Early draft
2014-04-22 gemma A new draft is uploaded - V 1.2.3 with status: Early draft
2013-07-25 PAGNOZZI TB adoption of WI EE, see contribution EE(13)42_024r1 in RC EE(13)DEC038
2013-07-04 PAGNOZZI WI proposed to TB EE, see contribution EE(13)42_024r1
2013-07-04 PAGNOZZI WI noted by TB EE, see contribution EE(13)42_024 in RC EE(13)DIS035
2013-05-30 GEMMA WI proposed to TB EE, see contribution EE(13)42_024

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