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Details of 'REN/TM-04137' Work Item
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  REN/TM-04137 EN 300 632   TM 04
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Publication (2002-06-11) 1.2.1 2002-06-11 View Standstill Information 2001-01-12
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Ian Flood Graham Rose No View Transposition Data
Title Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Fixed radio link equipment for the transmission of analogue video signals operating in the frequency bands 24,25 GHz to 29,50 GHz and 31,0 GHz to 31,8 GHz
Revision of ETS 301 632 
Scope and Field
of Application
Extend the frequency band of the ETS 300 632 from 24.25 - 29.5 GHz to 24.25 - 31.8 GHz and modify equipment parameters if necessary. During this redrafting the opportunity will be taken to implement current TM4 practice and replace the ETS with an EN. For example, the section dealing with spurious emission, which currently defines limits, will be changed to reference CEPT Rec. 74-01. A section dealing with EMC will be added.
Note. Currently the United Kingdom authorises the use of the frequency ranges from 31.0 to 31.3 GHz and 31.5 to 31.8 GHz for analogue security video systems using a Voluntary National Standard (VNS). The European Commission have authorised the use of the VNS but strongly recommended that the Radiocommunications Agency initiate work within TM4 to draft a European standard for 31 GHz analogue surveillance systems. 
DTI (Radiocommunications Agency), HIF, OTE SA and National Transcommunication Limited 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Official Journal
2002-06-20 mattsson WI Revision. 1 WI created with Ref: REN/TM-04137a. Comments copied = Yes, Schedule copied = Default
2002-01-21 mattsson End of TMABC70 Jan 18th 2002, Editorial comments received => accepted. Deliverable registered #2225
2002-01-14 mattsson Start of TMABC70 Dec. 7th 2001.

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