3GPP Specifications - Download

All 3GPP specifications are publicly available on the 3GPP server. This page provides guidance as to how to find the specifications you are seeking. If you are looking the official versions as published by the 3GPP partners, see the official publications page.

Latest version

Following the TSG plenary meetings, revised version of many specifications are produced. They are sub-categorised by the release of  the specifications. These updated versions, together with the latest previous available version of those specification which were not changed are available in:

Particular version

All older version of specification, where available are stored in the archive subdirectory. All versions of all releases of a given specification are place directly under the name of the specification.

Title or subject

If you only know the title or the subject, but not the specification  number, best place to start looking is the status list which contains the full titles of all specifications. A high level description of each series of specification is  available in on the page for Releases and the numbering scheme for 3G specifications. Once you have identified possible specification numbers, go the the "Latest Version" directory mentioned above.

Specs related to a particular working group

Each 3GPP working group has a home web page, which amongst other things lists the specifications under their responsibility. Follow the links from here....