Fixed Competence Centre
ToR     Summary
Working methods

Work item form

NGN@HOME workshop

AT Related Agreements
AT support team

R&TTE Directive
eCommunication Directives

eEurope Drafts
earlier TBRs


General information

  • An overview of the activities is available on the web
  • Cooperation agreement with ITU-T (SG 15)
  • Organisations like DSL Forum and many industry members with global dimension influence strongly ETSI developments

For further information, these matters are largely handled in the ETSI Technical Committee TM6.

Standards are recommended by regulating authorities

  • (OJEC): Official Journal of the European Communities (C 331/40; 31/12/2002). Further information are available on ECN&S, e.g. SR 002 211.

Spectral management (under study)

  • Key guidance on TR 101 830 (OJEC) series of documents.

Compatibility with POTS and ISDN largely covered

Euro-ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)

  • Key standard TS 101 388 (OJEC)
  • Approximately 6 Mbit/s downstream / 800 kbit/s upstream
  • Revision started to increase bit-rates and enhance flexibility

Euro-VDSL (Very high-speed Digital Subscriber Line)

  • Key standard TS 101 270 (parts 1 & 2) (OJEC)
  • Transceivers using single carrier or multi-carrier techniques
  • Revision include PSD (Power Spectral Density) revised masks, performance

Euro-SDSL (Symmetrical single-pair high bit rate DSL)

  • Key standard TS 101 524 (OJEC)
  • Multi-rate symmetric Transmission up to 2.3 Mbit/s (single pair)
  • Work on expansion to provide 10 Mbit/s (multiple pairs)
  • Asymmetric data-rates optional

HDSL (High bit-rate DSL)

ISDN Basic Rate Access enhancements

  • Key standard TS 102 080

    Extended with ADSL & VDSL friendly PSD masks for both European line codes (2B1Q & 4B3T)

    Increases performance of ADSL & VDSL over ISDN

Euro-VoDSL (simultaneous Voice and data over DSL)

  • Specification of low and high latency channels
  • Dynamic bit-rate repartitioning included

Service aspects are generally treated in TISPAN

Last updated: 2007-03-19 14:38:38