Introduction | Members | Owners | LSOFT


How to...

1. How to send to all subscribers of a list

To address a message to all the subscribers of a list, send the message to listname@LIST.ETSI.ORG.

2. How to leave a list

Send the command below in the body part (not the subject) of a message to LISTSERV@LIST.ETSI.ORG You will receive a message confirming that you have signed off the list.

SIGNOFF listname

3. How to confirm you wish to remain on a list

Some lists will ask you every few months if you wish to remain on the list. When this happens you will receive a message telling you which list and the number of days you have to confirm.

To stay on the list send a message

CONFIRM listname

in the body part (not the subject) of a message to LISTSERV@LIST.ETSI.ORG

4. How to get help

To get a list of possible commands send the command


in the body part (not the subject) of a message to LISTSERV@LIST.ETSI.ORG



Last updated: 2007-03-19 15:39:46