Introduction | Members | Owners | LSOFT


Facilities for List Members

SUBSCRIBE listname (firstname lastname)

SIGNOFF listname Remove yourself from the specified list

* - from all lists on that server

* (NETWIDE - from all lists in the network

CONFIRM listname Confirm your subscription (when LISTSERV requests it)

REGISTER fullname Tell LISTSERV your name, so that you don't have to specify it on subsequent SUBSCRIBE's

OFF Make LISTSERV forget your name


REVIEW listname Get list header and subscriber list

INDEX Send a list of the files available to all lists (user guide etc.)

listname Send a directory of available archive files for the list

GET USERELD.UUE Send List Subscribers Guide (uu-encode Winword 7 version)

USERELP.UUE Send List Subscribers Guide (uu-encoded PDF version)

USEREL.TXT Send List Subscribers Guide (ASCII version)

OWNELD.UUE Send List Owners Guide (uu-encoded Winword 7 version)

OWNELP.UUE Send List Owners Guide (uu-encoded PDF version)

OWNEL.TXT Send List Owners Guide (ASCII version)

INFO OWNER Order the L-Soft List Owners Manual

REFCARD Order the L-Soft command reference card

HELP Obtain a list of commands

RELEASE Find out who maintains the server and the software version


Summary of addresses


List Owner listname-REQUEST@LIST.ETSI.ORG

List members listname@LIST.ETSI.ORG


Last updated: 2007-03-19 15:39:46