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How to change my list options

When you have successfully joined a list, you can modify what you receive from the list by sending the

SET listname options

command in the body part of a message to LISTSERV@LIST.ETSI.ORG.

Some of the most useful options are described below.

Changing the amount of the header information

You can change the amount of header information at the top of each message you receive by sending

SET listname SHORTHDR [add short header information] ( not recommanded )

SET listname FULLHDR [add full header information]

Receiving acknowledgement for your postings

You can change if and when you receive acknowledgement that your postings to the list have been processed by the mailing list manager.

SET listname REPRO [receive copy of your own postings]

SET listname NOREPRO [no copies of your own postings]

Alternatively you can control whether the mailing list manager sends you copies of your own postings.

Controlling mail delivery

If you want to remain a subscriber of a list while you are on holidays but don’t want to receive any mail, you can to switch on and off mail delivery with the commands

SET listname NOMAIL

SET listname MAIL


Last updated: 2007-03-19 15:39:46