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How to join a list

There are normally four steps in joining a list.

1. You send a subscribe request in the body part (not the subject) of a message to the mailing list manager LISTSERV@LIST.ETSI.ORG.

SUBSCRIBE listname (firstname surname)

You must supply two separate words for firstname and surname .

2. The mailing list manager may check that it can reach your e-mail address by sending you a message which you must confirm. If sent, the message will contain a line with the word "OK" followed by a code, e.g. OK sbc4na.

Put that line in the body (not the subject) of a message and send it to LISTSERV@LIST.ETSI.ORG.

3. The subscription request will be sent to a list owner who will decide if the request will be approved or not. (This step is skipped if the list is a public list.)

4. The list will confirm that you have been successfully added by sending you a file with information on the list and some helpful hints. Keep this carefully. You may need it to change your settings or to leave the list.


Last updated: 2007-03-19 15:39:46