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What is a mailing list manager?

Mailing list managers are also known as e-mail reflectors, e-mail exploders, listservers and majordomos amongst other names. Mailing list manager software takes most of the tedium out of maintaining and sending to electronic mailing lists by providing a single e-mail address for each list, by facilitating list maintenance and by automatically dealing with many non-delivery errors.

The characteristics of each list can be set separately. For example, some lists may be configured for announcements, where only one or two people can send to the list, whereas another list may be created for discussion, where everyone can send to the list.

You can communicate with everyone on a list by sending a message to a single e-mail address for the list. The mailing list manager automatically forwards the messages to all the other subscribers.

Only one central copy of each list is maintained which can be used by each subscriber. You just have to make sure that your e-mail address is on the list correctly.

The mailing list manager software can recognise and deal with many e-mail non-delivery messages, for example, by putting a particular e-mail address on hold if it repeatedly causes problems.


What is a list composed of?

A list is composed of:

  • subscribers: they are future list members ( You can join a list even if you are not ETSI members. Your request will be forwarded to list owner. List owner will decide to add you to the list or not ).

List subscribers are those who join a list to receive or exchange messages, documents, announcements, etc. List subscribers have some choices about the way they receive messages from the list. For example, they can change the amount of header information on the messages. They may also be able to change the frequency at which they receive information from the list.

Subscribers normally join a list by sending a message containing a request to subscribe. (The term subscriber does not mean you pay for the service.) The header of the message is scanned for the senders address. This is the address to which the mailing list manager will forward messages.

  • owners: They are in charge of the list

Each list has at least one owner who defines the function of the list and decides how the list will be operated. He controls the level of security by deciding how subscribe requests are to be processed, how e-mail addresses are verified, who can send to the list, etc.. He also receives notification of e-mail errors that the mailing list manager cannot process automatically. The list owners can control all the functions of their list by sending formatted commands in an e-mail message. Full information on the list owners’ responsibilities and the commands which they can use to control their list, can be found in the List Owners Manual. (See section 5)

  • parameters: They are very important because they set list behaviour (see chapter : How to create a list )

  • Also Site manager

This person is responsible for maintaining the machine on which the mailing list manager software is running and for the software itself. For example, the site manager decides where the files related to the lists are stored and when they are backed up. Only the site manager can create or delete a list. The site manager can be contacted via


Last updated: 2007-03-19 15:39:47