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List Members Commands


Command Parameter Value Explanations
List membership commands:
HELP     Obtain a list of commands.
SUBSCRIBE listname (firstname lastname)  
SIGNOFF listname   Remove yourself from the specified list.
* - From all lists on that server.
REGISTER fullname Tell LISTSERV your name, so that you need not specify it on subsequent SUBSCRIBE's.
OFF Make LISTSERV forget your name.
CONFIRM listname Confirm your subscription renewal (when LISTSERV requests it).
QUERY listname Query your subscription options for a particular list.
* Query all lists you are subscribed to on that server.
REVIEW listname Get list header and subscriber list.
Alter your subscription options:
SET listname ACK/NOACK/MSGACK - Acknowledgements for postings.
CONCEAL/NOCONCEAL - Hide yourself from REVIEW.
MAIL/NOMAIL - Toggle receipt of mail.
REPRO/NOREPRO - Copy of your own postings.
DIGESTS/NODIGESTS - Ask for digests instead of immediate delivery.

Last updated: 2007-03-19 15:39:46