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Page 1 of 3, rows 1 to 50 of 109
 MTS(23)000061TTF ToR Documentation of AI systems (complete)AcceptedInstitut für InformatikOther
 MTS(23)000060MTS: Continuous Auditing Based Conformity Assessment for AI-enabled systemsReservedFraunhofer FOKUSDraft
 MTS(23)000059Agenda MTS_AI#11AvailableFraunhofer FOKUSAgenda
 MTS(23)000058MTS91_ETSI_MTS_to_ISO_IEC_JTC1_SC42AvailableFraunhofer FOKUSLSout
 MTS(23)000057MTS-103910v007AvailableFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)000056Guidelines for transparent documentation of quality and quality related measures for trustworthy AIAcceptedInstitut für InformatikNWI
 MTS(23)090012MTS#90 Meeting ReportAcceptedETSIReport
 MTS(23)000055Draft - DTS/MTS-104008_ContAudit v0.0.2 (TS 104 008 ) "Continuous Audit Conformity Assessment for AI"AvailableFraunhofer FOKUSDraft
 MTS(23)000054Draft - DTR/MTS-103910 v0.0.6 (TR 103 910 )AvailableFraunhofer FOKUSDraft
 MTS(23)090007r1TTF T034 report for MTS 90NotedOU ElviorOther
 MTS(23)090011TDL runtime interface specification for TDL execution framework.AcceptedOU ElviorNWI
 MTS(23)090010New revision of TDL textual syntaxAcceptedOU ElviorNWI
 MTS(23)090009New revision of TDL Meta-ModelAcceptedOU ElviorNWI
 MTS(23)090008New WI - TDL Reference Implementation edition 1.5.1AcceptedETSINWI
 MTS(23)090007TTF T034 report for MTS 90RevisedOU ElviorOther
 MTS(23)000053European standardisation synergy - Towards the AI actNotedBMWKOther
 MTS(23)090006Update on UCAAT 2023NotedETSIOther
 MTS(23)090005MTS_AI_slide_setNotedFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)090004Draft - DTR/MTS-103910 v0.0.6 (TR 103 910 )NotedFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)090003TC MTS work programme summary view as of 2023.09.22NotedETSIOther
 MTS(23)090001r2MTS#90_ AgendaAcceptedETSIAgenda
 MTS(23)090001r1MTS#90_ AgendaRevisedETSIAgenda
 MTS(23)090002TTF T032 - Progress Report for ETSIAcceptedFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)090001MTS#90_ AgendaRevisedETSIAgenda
 MTS(23)000052ETSI_TS_6756v002AvailableFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)000051MTS-103910v006AvailableFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)000049ToR Test Spec Development and Mtehodology SurveyAcceptedETSIOther
 MTS(23)000048Test Specification Methodology RoadmapAvailableCERTHOther
 MTS(23)000047TTF ToR TTCN-3 New ReleaseAcceptedETSIOther
 MTS(23)000043r2TTF_ToR_Documentation of AI systemsAcceptedFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)000043r1TTF_ToR_Documentation of AI systemsRevisedFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)000046Harmonized Documentation Scheme for Trustworthy AI RoadmapNotedInstitut für InformatikOther
 MTS(23)000045ETSI_TS_6756v002AvailableFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)000044MTS-103910v006AvailableFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)000043TTF_ToR_Documentation of AI systemsRevisedFraunhofer FOKUSOther
 MTS(23)000042Draft - DTS/MTS-TST10SecTest_IoTmodule v0.1.2 (TS 103 942 ) "IoT security module testing"AcceptedCERTH,Fraunhofer FOKUSDraft
 MTS(23)000041Draft - DTR/MTS-TST11Sec_IoTconf v0.1.2 (TR 103 946 ) "IoT security architecture conformity"AcceptedDeutsche Telekom AG,Fraunhofer FOKUSDraft
 MTS(23)000040TTF022 Progress ReportAcceptedETSIOther
 MTS(23)000039Draft - DES/MTS-TDL1 v1.7.1AcceptedETSIDraft
 MTS(23)000038Draft - RTR/MTS-TDL103119 v1.7.1 (TR 103 119 )AcceptedETSIDraft
 MTS(23)000037Draft - RES/MTS-TDL2031191 v1.7.1 (ES 203 119-1 ) "TDL Meta-Model"AcceptedETSIDraft
 MTS(23)000036TS_6756_DraftAvailableFraunhofer FOKUSDraft
 MTS(23)000035Draft - RES/MTS-TDL2031191 v1.7.1 (ES 203 119-1 ) "TDL Meta-Model"NotedOU ElviorDraft
 MTS(23)000034Application Vice Chair position Marija JankovicAcceptedETSIOther
 MTS(23)000033Application Vice Chair position Taras HoloyadAcceptedETSIOther
 MTS(23)000032MTS#89_Meeting ReportAcceptedETSIReport
 MTS(23)089012LS to ITU-T SG17_ TTCN-3 Deliverables 2023AcceptedETSILSout
 MTS(23)089005r1TDL TTF ToR 2023AcceptedOU ElviorOther
 MTS(23)089011TTF 022 status overviewAvailableOU ElviorOther