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Page 1 of 1, rows 1 to 59 of 59
 NFV(25)000056Update to TSC Terms Of ReferenceAvailableHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES Co. Ltd.Other
 NFV(25)000055vRAN feedback from an operatorAvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.Other
 NFV(25)000054r1LSout on ENH01.01 Certificate Management to 3GPP and O-RANAvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.LSout
 NFV(25)000054LSout on ENH01.01 Certificate Management to 3GPP and O-RANRevisedDOCOMO Communications Lab.LSout
 NFV(25)000053r2LSout to ORAN WG10 about PaaS services in ETSI ISG NFVAvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.Other
 NFV(25)000053r1LSout to ORAN WG10 about PaaS services in ETSI ISG NFVRevisedDOCOMO Communications Lab.Other
 NFV(25)000053LSout to ORAN WG10 about PaaS services in ETSI ISG NFVRevisedDOCOMO Communications Lab.Other
 NFV(25)000052r2LSout on ENH01.01 Certificate Management to IETFAvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.LSout
 NFV(25)000052r1LSout on ENH01.01 Certificate Management to IETFRevisedDOCOMO Communications Lab.LSout
 NFV(25)000052LSout on ENH01.01 Certificate ManagementRevisedDOCOMO Communications Lab.Other
 NFV(25)000051Joint Plugtest discussionAvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.Other
 NFV(25)000050NFV#49 - IFA WG Report to Closing SessionAvailableHuawei Tech.(UK) Co.. LtdOther
 NFV(25)000049NFV#49 - SOL WG Report to Closing SessionAvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.Other
 NFV(25)000048NFV#49 - SEC WG Report to Closing SessionAvailableBT plcOther
 NFV(25)000047NFV#49 - EVE WG Report to Closing SessionAvailableChina TelecommunicationsReport
 NFV(25)000046NFV#49 - TSC report to the closing plenaryAvailableHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES Co. Ltd.Other
 NFV(25)000045NFV WGs way of working in Release 6 discussion paperAvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.Other
 NFV(25)000039PIM in NFV and its relation with DMTF Redfish standards (DMTF workshop)AvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.,NEC Europe LtdOther
 NFV(25)000037Chairman's perpectives for NFV#49AvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.Other
 NFV(25)000035NFV#50 - Invitation AvailableChina TelecommunicationsOther
 NFV(25)000034LS on Invitation to update the information in the IMT-2020 and beyond roadmapAvailableETSILSin
 NFV(25)000033LSin about ESOs Work Programme relative to the standardisation request in support of the Cyber Resilience ActAvailableETSILSin
 NFV(25)000032r1LS on publication of ETSI NFV IFA054 reportAvailableHuawei Tech.(UK) Co.. LtdLSout
 NFV(25)000032LS on publication of ETSI NFV IFA054 reportRevisedHuawei Tech.(UK) Co.. LtdLSout
 NFV(25)000031LSin on multi-dimensional network energy efficiency metrics from 3GPP to ISG NFVAvailableETSILSin
 NFV(25)000030LSreply to ETSI TC EE based on LSin in NFV(25)000004AvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.LSout
 NFV(25)000028r1NWI for Release Description Release 5, Edition 5.2.1AvailableHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES Co. Ltd.NWI
 NFV(25)000028NWI for Release Description Release 5, Edition 5.2.1RevisedHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES Co. Ltd.NWI
 NFV(25)0000273GPP_Report_to_ETSI_NFV_49AvailableHuawei Tech.(UK) Co.. LtdOther
 NFV(25)000026OpenStack LS Report to ETSI NFV#49AvailableNEC CorporationOther
 NFV(25)000025NGMN LS Report to ETSI NFV#49AvailableChina Mobile Research Inst.Other
 NFV(25)000024ITU-T LS Report to ETSI NFV#49 AvailableChina TelecommunicationsOther
 NFV(25)000023Final Draft - RGS/NFV-TST010ed511 v0.0.3(GS NFV-TST 010 ) "API Conformance Testing Specification"AvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.Draft
 NFV(25)000022r1Super-WID with NWIs for Release 5 NFV003 and SOL edition 531AvailableHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES Co. Ltd.Other
 NFV(25)000022Super-WID with NWIs for Release 5 NFV003 and SOL edition 531RevisedHUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES Co. Ltd.Other
 NFV(25)000021ONAP LS Report to ETSI NFV#49AvailableChina Mobile Research Inst.Other
 NFV(25)000020Liaison Statement from NGMN Alliance to ISG NFV about Network Architecture Evolution Towards 6GNotedETSILSin
 NFV(25)000019r2LSout on publication of ETSI NFV IFA054 reportAvailableHuawei Tech.(UK) Co.. LtdLSout
 NFV(25)000019r1LSout on publication of ETSI NFV IFA054 reportRevisedHuawei Tech.(UK) Co.. LtdLSout
 NFV(25)000019LSout on publication of ETSI NFV IFA054 reportRevisedHuawei Tech.(UK) Co.. LtdLSout
 NFV(25)000018ETSI ISG NFV - NFV evolutionAvailableDOCOMO Communications Lab.Other
 NFV(25)000017Trusted computing Group (TCG) Liaison Officer Report to ETSI NFV#49AvailableInterDigital, Inc.Other
 NFV(25)000016LSin from ETSI ISG RIS about GRsNotedETSILSin
 NFV(25)000015r1Overview_of_Liaison_Activities_NFV49AvailableZTE CorporationOther
 NFV(25)000015Overview_of_Liaison_Activities_NFV49RevisedZTE CorporationOther
 NFV(25)000014External Entities on PQTN TF activitiesAvailableETSILSin
 NFV(25)000013r6NFV#49 - Draft Meeting AgendaAvailableETSIAgenda
 NFV(25)000013r5NFV#49 - Draft Meeting AgendaRevisedETSIAgenda
 NFV(25)000013r4NFV#49 - Draft Meeting AgendaRevisedETSIAgenda
 NFV(25)000013r3NFV#49 - Draft Meeting AgendaRevisedETSIAgenda
 NFV(25)000013r2NFV#49 - Draft Meeting AgendaRevisedETSIAgenda
 NFV(25)000013r1NFV#49 - Draft Meeting AgendaRevisedETSIAgenda
 NFV(25)000013NFV#49 - Draft Meeting AgendaRevisedETSIAgenda
 NFV(25)000011ETSI Board#151, 21-23 January 2025 - highlights for OCGAvailableETSIOther
 NFV(25)000005Call for candidates for one of the ISG NFV Vice-Chair and the TSC Vice-Chair positionsAvailableETSIOther
 NFV(25)000004TC EE's answer to NFV liaison for a Joint WorkshopAvailableETSILSin
 NFV(25)000003Candidature of Leslie Willis (BT) for the WG SEC Chair positionAcceptedETSIOther
 NFV(25)000001NFV#49 - Meeting invitationAvailableETSIOther
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