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Page 1 of 2, rows 1 to 50 of 88
 HF(24)614003r1ETNO ETSI_EAA Implementation_Meeting NotesAvailableETSIReport
 HF(24)614003ETNO ETSI_EAA Implementation_Meeting NotesRevisedETSIReport
 HF(24)614002Accessibility and interoperability of emergency communicationAvailableCESTELOther
 HF(24)614001EN301549 update for ETNOAvailableHillebrand GmbHOther
 HF(24)100003TR 104 060 Rapporteur's call 1 Meeting NotesAvailableSony Europe B.V.Report
 HF(24)100002Draft - DTR/HF-00301565 v0.0.2 (TR 104 060 ) "Applying EN 301 549 provisions to television recievers"AvailableETSIDraft
 HF(24)100001Draft - DTR/HF-00301565 v0.0.1 (TR 104 060 ) "Applying EN 301 549 provisions to television recievers"AvailableETSIDraft
 HF(24)095002HF#95 Meeting ReportReservedETSIReport
 HF(24)095001HF#95 Meeting AgendaReservedETSIAgenda
 HF(24)094028STF 681 Status Report v1.1NotedCommLedgeOther
 HF(24)094027Information on ETSI matters - Board and GA#83NotedETSIOther
 HF(24)094026D2.1 TR 104 077-1 Early Draft (STF 681)NotedCommLedgeDraft
 HF(24)094025Presentation of STF674 MilestoneB1NotedITSOther
 HF(24)094024STF 681 Status Report v1.0WithdrawnCommLedgeOther
 HF(24)094023Traficom comments on draft EN 301 549 V4.1.1AvailableTRAFICOMOther
 HF(24)094022STF 652 Status Report v1.0NotedCommLedgeOther
 HF(24)094021STF614_Progress_reportNotedHillebrand GmbHOther
 HF(24)094020Draft - DTR/HF-00301565 v0.0.6 (TR 104 060 ) "Applying EN 301 549 provisions to television recievers"AvailableSony Europe B.V.Draft
 HF(24)094019Status report for STF 675NotedSTF LeaderOther
 HF(24)094018Call for candidates for Chair and Vice-Chairs of TC HFNotedETSIOther
 HF(24)094017STF 681 - Work Plan v1.0AcceptedCommLedgeOther
 HF(24)094016STF 614 - EN-Rev Milestone E Periodic ReportAcceptedHillebrand GmbHOther
 HF(24)094015STF 674 Progress Report for Milestone B1AcceptedITSOther
 HF(24)094014SONY contribution about EN 301 549 AppendixAvailableSony Europe B.V.CR
 HF(24)094013ETSI Board Decision on publications over 5-yearNotedETSIOther
 HF(24)094012STF 652 Milestone D Status Report v1.0WithdrawnCommLedgeOther
 HF(24)094011InDiCo project cardNotedETSIOther
 HF(24)094010TR 102 133 Access to ICT by young people - Notes and CommentsAvailableCadzow CommunicationsOther
 HF(24)094009r2TR 102 133 Access to ICT by young people UpdateAcceptedCadzow CommunicationsNWI
 HF(24)094009r1TR 102 133 Access to ICT by young people UpdateRevisedCadzow CommunicationsNWI
 HF(24)094009TR 102 133 Access to ICT by young people UpdateRevisedCadzow CommunicationsNWI
 HF(24)094008Draft - REN/HF-00301561 v0.0.2 (EN 301 549 ) "Revision of EN 301 549 v.3.2.1"AvailableHillebrand GmbHDraft
 HF(24)094007Draft - REN/HF-00301561 v0.0.1 (EN 301 549 ) "Revision of EN 301 549 v.3.2.1"NotedHillebrand GmbHDraft
 HF(24)094006Accessibility of ETSI meetingsAcceptedBMWKNWI
 HF(24)094005Age Verification: Standardization RoadmapAcceptedCommLedgeNWI
 HF(24)094004Age verification: Solutions and standards landscapeAcceptedCommLedgeNWI
 HF(24)094003Age verification: Stakeholder RequirementsAcceptedCommLedgeNWI
 HF(24)094002HF#94 Meeting ReportAvailableHillebrand GmbHReport
 HF(24)094001r2HF#94 Meeting AgendaAcceptedChairAgenda
 HF(24)094001r1HF#94 Meeting AgendaRevisedChairAgenda
 HF(24)094001HF#94 Meeting AgendaRevisedChairAgenda
 HF(24)093023JTBeAcc presentationAvailableUNEOther
 HF(24)093022STF 674 Milestone A presentationAvailableITSOther
 HF(24)093021Relationship among STF674_642_614AvailableITSOther
 HF(24)093020r1STF614 Progress reportAvailableHillebrand GmbHOther
 HF(24)093020STF614 Progress reportRevisedHillebrand GmbHOther
 HF(24)093019Training to improve the quality of SR deliverablesAvailableETSIOther
 HF(24)093018STF 652: Status report to TC HF #93AvailableCommLedgeOther
 HF(24)093017STF 652: Change requests for EG 203 499 final draftAvailableCommLedgeOther
 HF(24)093016ETSI CTI OverviewAvailableETSIOther