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Page 1 of 1, rows 1 to 41 of 41
 TCCE06(24)178002Corrections to Annex D of TS 100 392-7AvailableAirbusCR
 TCCE06(24)178001Minutes WG6 Meeting 177AvailableMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Report
 TCCE06(24)177002Agenda WG6 Meeting 177AcceptedMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Agenda
 TCCE06(24)177001r1Migration from ESI to MAE identity encryption mechanismAcceptedAirbusCR
 TCCE06(24)177001Migration from ESI to MAE identity encryption mechanismRevisedAirbusCR
 TCCE06(24)176004Draft - DTS/TCCE-06214 v (TS 104 053-4 )AvailableumlautDraft
 TCCE06(24)176003Draft - DTS/TCCE-06213 v (TS 104 053-3 )AvailableumlautDraft
 TCCE06(24)176002Draft - DTS/TCCE-06212 v (TS 104 053-2 )AvailableumlautDraft
 TCCE06(24)176001ts_10039207v040101p_WG6_updatesWithdrawnSepura LtdCR
 TCCE06(24)000014Corrections to TS 100 392-7ReservedSepura LtdCR
 TCCE06(24)000013r1TEA Evaluation Scope of Work CRo commentedWithdrawnSepura LtdOther
 TCCE06(24)000013TEA Evaluation Scope of Work CRo commentedWithdrawnSepura LtdOther
 TCCE06(24)000012r2TEA Evaluation Scope of WorkAvailableMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Other
 TCCE06(24)000012r1TEA Evaluation Scope of WorkRevisedMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Other
 TCCE06(24)000012TEA Evaluation Scope of WorkRevisedMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Other
 TCCE06(24)000011Minutes WG6 Meeting 176AcceptedMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Report
 TCCE06(24)000010Section 3 from Draft clause 21v22m PDUs with UALAvailableSepura LtdOther
 TCCE06(24)000009TCCE-06211v001r1_CRo_commentedRevisedSepura LtdOther
 TCCE06(24)000008TCCE-06213v001_CRo_commentedRevisedSepura LtdOther
 TCCE06(24)000007TCCE-06214v001_CRo_commentedRevisedSepura LtdOther
 TCCE06(24)000006TCCE-06212v001_CRo_commentedRevisedSepura LtdOther
 TCCE06(24)000005r1Agenda WG6 Meeting 176AcceptedMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Agenda
 TCCE06(24)000005Agenda WG6 Meeting 176RevisedMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Agenda
 TCCE06(24)000004r1Draft - DTS/TCCE-06211 v (TS 104 053-1 )AvailableumlautDraft
 TCCE06(24)000004Draft - DTS/TCCE-06211 v (TS 104 053-1 )RevisedumlautDraft
 TCCE06(24)000003ts_10039207v040101p_WG6_updatesAvailableSepura LtdCR
 TCCE06(24)000002r1Minutes WG6 Meeting 175AcceptedMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Report
 TCCE06(24)000002Minutes WG6 Meeting 175RevisedMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Report
 TCCE06(24)000001Minutes TCCE 06 174-bis Special MeetingWithdrawnMotorola Solutions UK Ltd.Report