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488 contributions found, displaying 1 to 50
UID Type Title Status For MTG  
ENI(24)000_151r1 Other
ENI#4 whitepaper: updated baseline with evolution mainly in clause 4
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#280 Sys Arch
ENI(24)000_161 Draft
DGR/ENI-0051v411_AI-Agent_NGCN v4.0.2 (GR ENI 051) Next Baseline draft
Available Discussion ENI-RappCall#282 All WIs Sys Arch
ENI(24)002005 Other
RGR/ENI-0051v411 v4.0.2 (GR ENI 51 ) AI agents - next baseline draft
Available Information ENI-rapporteurs call to progress GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_131r1 Agenda
Agenda for ENI Conference call#280
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#280 Sys Arch
ENI(24)000_133r1 Agenda
Agenda for ENI Conference call#281
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#281 All WIs
ENI(24)000_160 Draft
DGR/ENI-0049v4118_def_DCNAL v4.0.2 (GR ENI 049) Approved Baseline Draft
Available Information ENI-#31
ENI(24)000_159 Draft
DGS/ENI-0047v411_Plan_spec5G v4.0.1 (GS ENI 047) 1st baseline draft
Available Information ENI-#31
ENI(24)000_158 Draft
Draft - DGS/ENI-0047v411_Plan_spec5G v4.0.1 (GS ENI 047 )
Reserved Decision ENI-RappCall#279 All WIs Sys Arch
ENI(24)000_157 Other
Clause 3 to 5 of DCN autonomic Level
Available Information ENI-RappCall#279 All WIs Sys Arch
ENI(24)000_129r1 Agenda
Agenda for ENI Conference call#279
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#279 All WIs Sys Arch
ENI(24)031_007 LSin
LS from SG2-LS125 on the consent of Recommendation ITU-T M.3351 (ex. M.fkmtom) and initiation of new work items ITU-T M.ptomkgc and ITU-T M.kqas about knowledge management (3 Att)
Available Discussion ENI-#31
ENI(24)031_006 LSin
LS from SG2-LS121 on initiation of a new work item M.3080 (1 Att)
Available Discussion ENI-#31
ENI(24)000_156 Other
Clause 3 to 5 of DCN autonomic Level
Available Discussion ENI-RappCall#279 All WIs Sys Arch
ENI(24)005_002 Report
Meeting Report for ENI rapporteur's call on ENI051
Reserved Decision ENI-#31
ENI(24)005_001 Agenda
Agenda for ENI Rapporteurs's call on ENI 051
Reserved Decision ENI--rapporteurs call to progress GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Cor
ENI(24)004_001 Report
Meeting Report for ENI rapporteur's call on ENI051
Reserved Decision ENI-rapporteurs call to progress GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)003_002 Report
Meeting Report for ENI rapporteur's call on ENI051
Reserved Decision ENI-rapporteurs call to progress GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)003_001 Agenda
Agenda for ENI Rapporteurs's call on ENI 051
Reserved Decision ENI-rapporteurs call to progress GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)002004 Report
Meeting Report for ENI rapporteur's call on ENI051
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#280 Sys Arch
ENI(24)002003 Agenda
Agenda for ENI Rapporteur's call on ENI 051
Available Decision ENI-rapporteurs call to progress GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_155 Report
Meeting Report for ENI call 284
Reserved Decision ENI-RappCall#284 All WIs
ENI(24)000_154 Agenda
Agenda for ENI Conference call#284
Reserved Decision ENI-RappCall#284 All WIs
ENI(24)000_153 Report
Meeting Report for ENI call 283
Reserved Decision ENI-RappCall#283 Sys Arch
ENI(24)000_152 Agenda
Agenda for ENI Conference call#283
Reserved Decision ENI-RappCall#283 Sys Arch
ENI(24)000_151 Other
ENI#4 whitepaper: updated baseline with evolution mainly in clause 4
Revised Decision ENI-RappCall#279 All WIs Sys Arch
ENI(24)000_142r3 Other
Background presentation to AI agents in the Core
Available Discussion ENI-rapporteurs call to progress GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_142r2 Other
Backgroud presentation to AI agents in the Core
Withdrawn Discussion ENI-rapporteurs call to kick off GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_150 Other
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#279 All WIs Sys Arch
ENI(24)030_011r4 Other
ISG ENI Extension request
Available Decision ENI-#30
ENI(24)030_011r3 Other
ISG ENI Extension request
Revised Decision ENI-#30
ENI(24)000_146r1 Other
NEW WI proposal: Requirements of external and internal AI Capability exposure
Available Decision ENI-#31
ENI(24)000_149 Draft
DGS/ENI-0033v411_MSTranslating v4.0.9 (GS ENI 033) Final draft for ISG Approval
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#279 All WIs Sys Arch
ENI(24)000_148 Draft
DGS/ENI-0038_AI Models v4.0.7 (GS ENI 038) Approved Baseline Draft
Available Information ENI-#31
ENI(24)000_147 Draft
RGS/ENI-001v411_Use_Cases v4.0.4 (GS ENI 001) Approved Baseline Draft
Available Information ENI-#31
ENI(24)000_146 Other
NEW WI proposal: Requirements of external and internal AI Capability exposure
Revised Discussion ENI-RappCall#278 All WIs
ENI(24)002002 Other
ENI 051 comments from Stephan DT
Available Discussion ENI-rapporteurs call to progress GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_144r1 Report
Meeting Report for ENI call -rapporteurs call to kick off GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
Available Decision ENI-rapporteurs call to progress GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_126r3 Report
Meeting Report for ENI Conference call#277
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#278 All WIs
ENI(24)000012 Draft
Output Draft - DGS/ENI-0033v411_MSTranslating v4.0.8 (GS ENI 033) of call#277
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#279 All WIs Sys Arch
ENI(24)000_145 CR
New ENI 001 Use Case Draft
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#278 All WIs
ENI(24)000_144 Report
Meeting Report for ENI call -rapporteurs call to kick off GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
Revised Decision ENI-rapporteurs call to kick off GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_137r2 Other
Preliminary draft ENI 051 study on AI agents in the core - with toc
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#278 All WIs
ENI(24)002001 Draft
DGR/ENI-0051v411_AI-Agent_NGCN v4.0.1 (GR ENI 051) - Approved early draft
Available Information ENI-rapporteurs call to progress GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_143 Other
Withdrawn Decision ENI-rapporteurs call to kick off GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_142r1 Other
Backgroud presentation to AI agents in the Core
Withdrawn Discussion ENI-rapporteurs call to kick off GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_142 Other
Backgroud presentation to AI agents in the Core
Withdrawn Discussion ENI-rapporteurs call to kick off GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_137r1 Other
Preliminary draft ENI 051 study on AI agents in the core - with toc
Withdrawn Decision ENI-rapporteurs call to kick off GR ENI 051 Study on AI Agents in the Core
ENI(24)000_126r2 Report
Meeting Report for ENI Conference call#277
Revised Decision ENI-RappCall#278 All WIs
ENI(24)000_126r1 Report
Meeting Report for ENI Conference call#277
Revised Decision ENI-RappCall#278 All WIs
ENI(24)000_140r2 Other
Updated Draft - DGS/ENI-0033v411_MSTranslating v4.0.7 (GS ENI 033 )
Available Decision ENI-RappCall#277 Sys Arch
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