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57 contributions found, displaying 1 to 50
UID Type Title Status For MTG  
HF(25)096041 Other
STF614 Progress and latest draft of EN 301 549
Available Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096015r2 Draft
Draft - DTR/HF-00301569 v0.0.7 (TR 104 077-3 ) "Age Verification Study Part 3: Proposed Standardization Roadmap"
Accepted Decision HF#96
HF(25)096040 Other
STF 681 TR 104 077-3 Proposed new clause B.2
Accepted Decision HF#96
HF(25)096039 Draft
Draft - REN/HF-00301561 v0.0.12 (EN 301 549 ) "Revision of EN 301 549 v.3.2.1"
Available Decision HF#96
HF(25)096038 Other
STF 681 Final Status Report v1.2
Accepted Decision HF#96
HF(25)096037 Other
Spreadsheet used in checking and updating EN 301 549 requirements and tables
Noted Information HF#96
HF(25)096036 Other
Response to eAcc JTB comments on EN 301 549 v006
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096035 Other
Noted Information HF#96
HF(25)096034 Other
STF 680 Draft clause on Joint Edition and Presentation Tools
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096033 Draft
Draft - REN/HF-00301561 v0.0.10 (EN 301 549 ) "Revision of EN 301 549 v.3.2.1"
Available Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096032 Other
STF 681 Presentation to TC HF #96
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096031 Other
2.1 On TR 101551+TR 101 552 revision
Noted Information HF#96
HF(25)096030 Draft
Draft - REN/HF-00301561 v0.0.9 (EN 301 549 ) "Revision of EN 301 549 v.3.2.1"
Available Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096006r1 Draft
Draft - REN/HF-00301561 v0.0.9 (EN 301 549 ) "Revision of EN 301 549 v.3.2.1"
Reserved Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096001r4 Agenda
HF#96 Meeting Agenda
Accepted Decision HF#96
HF(25)096029 Other
ETSI Board#151 and joint OCG meeting highlights
Noted Information HF#96
HF(25)096028 Other
Proposed ToR for ICT design for cognitive and learning disabilities
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096027 Other
CEN/CLC JTC12 Pre-normative research report
Noted Information HF#96
HF(25)000008 Other
STF 680 Task 2 Specifications
Available Information
HF(25)000007 Other
Available Information
HF(25)000006 Other
STF 675 Task 3 Results
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)000005 Other
STF 675 Task 3 Results
Withdrawn Discussion
HF(25)000004 Other
STF 691 presentation
Noted Information HF#96
HF(25)000003 Other
STF 674 presentation of progress
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)000002 Other
revised Stable draft ES 204 009 v06
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096001r3 Agenda
HF#96 Meeting Agenda
Revised Decision HF#96
HF(25)096026 Other
STF 675 Status Report
Noted Information HF#96
HF(25)096025 Other
STF 681 Final Status Report v1.1
Withdrawn Decision HF#96
HF(25)096024 Other
Proposed Relay Service content for inclusion in EN 301 549 mature draft
Available Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096023 Draft
Pre-mature draft of EN 301 549v0.0.8
Available Discussion HF#96
HF(25)000001 Draft
Draft - REN/HF-00301561 v0.0.8 (EN 301 549 ) "Revision of EN 301 549 v.3.2.1"
Withdrawn Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096001r2 Agenda
HF#96 Meeting Agenda
Revised Decision HF#96
HF(25)096022 Other
STF 680 Task 3 Report Milestone B
Accepted Decision HF#96
HF(25)096021 Other
STF 681 Final Status Report v1.0
Withdrawn Decision HF#96
HF(25)096020 Other
Accepted Decision HF#96
HF(25)096019 Other
TR 102 133 Access to ICT by young people clean draft
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096018 Draft
TR 102 133 Access to ICT by young people: issues and guidelines
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096017 Draft
Draft - RTR/HF-00301571TR101551-2 REV v0.0.1 (TR 101 551 ) "JTB eAcc TR on Guidelines for public procurement of ICT"
Noted Information HF#96
HF(25)096001r1 Agenda
HF#96 Meeting Agenda
Revised Decision HF#96
HF(25)096016 Draft
Draft - DTR/HF-00301565 v0.0.12 (TR 104 060 ) "Applying EN 301 549 provisions to television recievers"
Accepted Decision HF#96
HF(25)096015r1 Draft
Draft - DTR/HF-00301569 v0.0.6 (TR 104 077-3 ) "Age Verification Study Part 3: Proposed Standardization Roadmap"
Revised Decision HF#96
HF(25)096015 Draft
Draft - DTR/HF-00301569 v0.0.5 (TR 104 077-3 ) "Age Verification Study Part 3: Proposed Standardization Roadmap"
Revised Decision HF#96
HF(25)096014 Other
Stable draft ES 204 009 v06
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096013 Other
STF 681 - Age Verification pre-standardization study - Progress Report D2.2
Accepted Decision HF#96
HF(25)096012 Draft
Draft - DTR/HF-00301565 v0.0.12 (TR 104 060 ) "Applying EN 301 549 provisions to television recievers"
Noted Discussion HF#96
HF(25)096011r1 Other
STF 614 Progress Report D1.5
Accepted Decision HF#96
HF(25)096011 Other
STF 614 Progress Report D1.5
Revised Information HF#96
HF(25)096010 Other
STF674 Progress Report for Milestone C1
Accepted Decision HF#96
HF(25)096009 Other
EAA Reporting template for accessibility requirements from Mobile World Forum (GARI)
Noted Information HF#96
HF(25)096008 Other
STF674 Workshop 2 report
Available Information HF#96
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