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14 contributions found, displaying 1 to 14
UID Type Title Status For MTG  
       ITS WG3
ITSWG3(25)000002 CR
Add BTP port for the PIS service
Available Discussion
ITSWG3(25)69007r1 NWI
Revision of TS 103 248 BPT port numbers r1
Accepted Decision ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69001r2 Agenda
WG3#69 Meeting agenda r2
Accepted Decision ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69001r1 Agenda
WG3#69 Meeting agenda r1
Revised Decision ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)000001 Other
Comments on plausibility checks in TS 103 836-4-1
Noted Discussion ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69009 Other
Proposed WG23 Term Of Reference
Accepted Decision ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69008 Other
Initial draft for TS 103 248 "BTP port numbers" with port number for Parking Information Service
Noted Discussion ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69007 NWI
Revision of TS 103 248 BPT port numbers
Revised Decision ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69006 Other
Request to add Cooperative Parking to the BTP port list
Noted Discussion ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69005 Draft
Draft - RTS/ITS-00381 v0.0.4 (TS 103 836-3 ) "GN Network architecture"
Noted Discussion ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69004 Draft
Draft - RTS/ITS-003107 v (TS 103 899 ) "Geographical Area Definition"
Noted Discussion ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69003 Other
List of CR for TS 103 836-4-1 v2.1.1
Withdrawn Discussion ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69002 Report
WG3#69 Meeting report
Available Decision ITSWG3#69
ITSWG3(25)69001 Agenda
WG3#69 Meeting agenda
Revised Decision ITSWG3#69