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352 contributions found, displaying 1 to 50
UID Type Title Status For MTG  
NFV(24)000290 LSout
LS reply to ITU-T SG13 on progress about ITU-T Y.IMT2020-EE-CFW
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000289 Other
DMTF Liaison Report for NFV#48
Available Information NFV#48
NFV(24)000288 Other
Trusted computing Group (TCG) Liaison Officer Report to ETSI NFV#48
Available Information NFV#48
NFV(24)000287 LSout
LSReply to ITU-T SG13 on their LS about Y.3552 “Cloud computing – Functional requirements of edge cloud”
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000286 NWI
NWI proposal on API Conformance Testing ed511
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000285 Draft
Draft - RGR/NFV-007ed461 v4.5.3 (GR NFV 007 ) "Release Description for Release 4 (ed4.6.1)"
Reserved Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000284 Draft
Draft - RGR/NFV-003 v1.8.6 (GR NFV 003 ) "Terminology"
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000283 Agenda
DRAFT Agenda for NFV#48 plenary meeting
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000282 Draft
Draft - DGS/NFV-SOL001ed521 v5.1.4 (GS NFV-SOL 001) "NFV descriptors based on TOSCA specification"
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000281 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-SOL003ed521 v5.1.4 (GS NFV-SOL 003 ) "Or-Vnfm RESTful protocols spec"
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000280 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-SOL002ed521 v5.1.3 (GS NFV-SOL 002 ) "Ve-Vnfm RESTful protocols spec"
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000279 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-SOL009ed521 v5.1.3 (GS NFV-SOL 009 ) "MANO mgmt stage 3"
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000278 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-SOL013ed521 v5.1.2 (GS NFV-SOL 013 ) "Common aspects of RESTful MANO APIs Rel 5"
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000277 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-SOL005ed521 v5.1.4 (GS NFV-SOL 005 ) "Os-Ma-nfvo APIs spec"
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000276 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-SOL014ed521 v5.1.3 (GS NFV-SOL 014 ) "VR_descriptor_stage_3"
Available Decision
NFV(24)000275 Other
Sylva and ETSI NFV workshop: Sylva presentations
Available Information NFV-Sylva mini workshop on energy efficiency and sustainability
NFV(24)000274 Other
ETSI NFV URN application SOL 023 cert-type
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000273 Draft
Draft - RGR/NFV-SEC009ed131 v1.2.3 (GR NFV-SEC 009 ) "UCs for multi-layer host admin"
Available Decision
NFV(24)000272 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-006ed521 v5.1.3 (GS NFV 006) "Architectural Framework Specification"
Available Decision
NFV(24)000271 Draft
Draft - DGS/NFV-TST010 v4.5.1 (GS NFV-TST 010 ) "API Conformance Testing Specification"
Available Decision NFV#48
NFV(24)000270r2 Other
Sylva and ETSI NFV workshop: Green NFV
Available Information NFV-Sylva mini workshop on energy efficiency and sustainability
NFV(24)000270r1 Other
Sylva and ETSI NFV workshop: Green NFV
Revised Information NFV-Sylva mini workshop on energy efficiency and sustainability
NFV(24)000270 Other
Sylva and ETSI NFV workshop: Green NFV
Revised Information NFV-Sylva mini workshop on energy efficiency and sustainability
NFV(24)000269 Report
DRAFT meeting report for NFV#47 plenary meeting
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000268 LSin
LSin 3GPP on PRDs MWCLV24 publication
Available Discussion NFV#48
NFV(24)000267 Other
STF 624 Final Report
Accepted Decision
NFV(24)000266 Draft
Draft - RGR/NFV-007ed511 v5.0.5 (GR NFV 007 ) "Release Description for Release 5"
Accepted Decision
NFV(24)000265 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA036ed521 v5.1.3 (GS NFV-IFA 036 ) "CIS cluster mgmt"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000264 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA011ed521 v5.1.3 (GS NFV-IFA 011 ) "VNF Packaging Spec"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000263 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA050ed521 v5.1.3 (GS NFV-IFA 050 ) "Intent Mgmt: Svc Intface & Info Model"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000262 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA048ed521 v5.1.2 (GS NFV-IFA 048 ) "MANO Policy Information Model"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000261 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA008ed521 v5.1.4 (GS NFV-IFA 008 ) "Ve-Vnfm ref point Spec"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000221r1 Other
Noted Information NFV#47
NFV(24)000260 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA031ed521 v5.1.3 (GS NFV-IFA 031 ) "NFV-MANO mgmt spec"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000245r2 NWI
NWI proposal on PIM stage 3
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000238r1 Report
NFV#47 - SOL WG Report to Closing Session
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000245r1 NWI
NWI proposal on PIM stage 3
Revised Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000203r2 Agenda
NFV #47 - Draft Meeting Agenda
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000259 Draft
Draft - RGR/NFV-IFA046ed521 v5.1.3 (GR NFV-IFA 046 ) "NFV4RAN_report"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000258 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA007ed521 v5.1.4 (GS NFV-IFA 007 ) "Or-Vnfm ref point Spec"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000257 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA014ed521 v5.1.2 (GS NFV-IFA 014 ) "Network Service Templates Spec"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000256 Other
New documentation way for future NFV
Noted Discussion NFV#47
NFV(24)000255 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA010ed521 v5.1.4 (GS NFV-IFA 010 ) "MANO Functional Rqmts - Spec"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000254 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA040ed521 v5.1.3 (GS NFV-IFA 040 ) "OS Container MANO service interfaces"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000253 Other
NFV Roundtables Overview and Conclusions
Noted Discussion NFV#47
NFV(24)000252 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA049ed521 v5.1.6 (GS NFV-IFA 049 ) "VNF_gen_OAM_spec"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000251 Draft
Draft - RGR/NFV-SEC016ed121 v1.1.3 (GR NFV-SEC 016 ) "Location, locstamp and timestamp"
Available Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000250 Draft
Draft - RGR/NFV-SEC003ed131 v1.2.3 (GR NFV-SEC 003 ) "Security and Trust Guidance"
Available Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000249 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA033ed521 v5.1.5 (GS NFV-IFA 033 ) "SEC-MANO ref points - Intface Spec"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
NFV(24)000248 Draft
Draft - RGS/NFV-IFA026ed521 v5.1.3 (GS NFV-IFA 026 ) "Architecture enhancement for Sec Mgmt Spec"
Accepted Decision NFV#47
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