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17 contributions found, displaying 1 to 17
UID Type Title Status For MTG  
       ERM TG17 WG3
ERMTG17WG3(24)027005 Other
EN300 422-1: Editorial corrections
Available Discussion ERMTG17WG3#27-standards review and NWI
ERMTG17WG3(24)027004 Other
Maintenance of European Standards
Available Discussion ERMTG17WG3#27-standards review and NWI
ERMTG17WG3(24)026007 Report
Minutes of ERMTG17WG3#26
Available Decision ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)027003 Other
Harmonised Standards under RED whose citation in the OJEU is being considered for removal
Available Discussion ERMTG17WG3#27-standards review and NWI
ERMTG17WG3(24)027002 LSin
LSin from WGFM on standards for PMSE and SRD Audio Applications
Available Discussion ERMTG17WG3#27-standards review and NWI
ERMTG17WG3(24)027001 Agenda
Meeting Agenda ERMTG17WG3#27
Available Decision ERMTG17WG3#27-standards review and NWI
ERMTG17WG3(24)026001r2 NWI
Audio PMSE: Spectrum Scanning Procedure – Principles and Methods
Available Decision ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)026001r1 NWI
Audio PMSE: Spectrum Scanning Procedure – Principles and Methods
Revised Decision ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)026004r3 Agenda
Meeting Agenda ERM TG17WG3 #26
Available Decision ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)026006 Other
Available Information ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)026005 Other
EMC Draft
Available Discussion ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)026004r2 Agenda
Meeting Agenda ERM TG17WG3 #26
Revised Decision ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)026004r1 Agenda
Meeting Agenda ERM TG17WG3 #26
Revised Decision ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)026004 Agenda
Meeting Agenda ERMT TG17WG3 #26
Revised Decision ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)026003 Other
Proposal for a NWI on updating EN 300 422-1
Available Discussion ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)026002 Other
List of Topics
Available Discussion ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents
ERMTG17WG3(24)026001 NWI
Audio PMSE: Spectrum Scanning Procedure – Principles and Methods
Revised Decision ERMTG17WG3#26-WG3 - Needs to update TG17WG3 related documents