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7 contributions found, displaying 1 to 7
UID Type Title Status For MTG  
       ERM TG17
ERMTG17(24)000007 LSin
LSin from TG28 to TG30, TG34, TG17 on EN 304 055
Available Discussion
ERMTG17(24)000006 LSin
LSin from WGFM on standards for PMSE and SRD Audio Applications
Available Discussion
ERMTG17(24)000005 Other
ERM WG EMC REN/ERM-EMC-395 - EN 301 489-28 V2.1.0 after HAS assessment
Accepted Decision
ERMTG17(24)000004 Other
Resolution Report EN 303354
Accepted Decision
ERMTG17(24)000003 Other
Resolution Report EN 302064
Accepted Decision
ERMTG17(24)000002 Draft
Draft - REN/ERM-TG17-163 v1.1.8 (EN 303 354 ) "HS Amplifiers and active antennas for broadcast reception in domestic premises"
Accepted Decision
ERMTG17(24)000001 Draft
Draft - REN/ERM-TG17-160 v0.0.17 (EN 302 064 ) "HS WVL operating in the 1,3 GHz to 50 GHz frequency band"
Accepted Decision