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24 contributions found, displaying 1 to 24
UID Type Title Status For MTG  
       SES HARM
SESHARM(24)000017r1 Other
Harmonised Standards under RED whose citation in the OJEU is being considered for removal
Available Information
SESHARM(24)000017 Other
Harmonised Standards under RED whose citation in the OJEU is being considered for removal
Revised Information
SESHARM(24)000016 Other
EN 300 487_revised_with_EC_comments_10052024
Available Discussion SESHARM#75-EN 300 487 review
SESHARM(24)000015 Other
Responses to comments_EN 300 487_May2021_updated_10052024
Available Discussion SESHARM#75-EN 300 487 review
SESHARM(24)000014 Other
Checklist from HAS consultant for EN 303978 dated 19Apr2024
Available Discussion SESHARM#74
SESHARM(24)000013 Other
Available Discussion SESHARM#74
SESHARM(24)000012 Other
Draft EN303978_track_changes_mods_29Apr2024
Available Discussion SESHARM#74
SESHARM(24)000010r1 Other
2nd HAS assessment response - dEN 301 681 [REN/SES-00418]
Available Decision
SESHARM(24)000009r1 Other
2nd HAS assessment response - dEN 301 473 [REN/SES-00417]
Available Decision
SESHARM(24)000008r1 Other
2nd HAS assessment response - dEN 301 426 [REN/SES-00415]
Available Decision
SESHARM(24)000007r1 Other
2nd HAS assessment response - dEN 300 487 [REN/SES-00412]
Available Decision
SESHARM(24)000011 Other
2nd HAS assessment response - dEN 303 978 [REN/SES-00468]
Available Decision
SESHARM(24)000010 Other
2nd HAS assessment response - dEN 301 681 [REN/SES-00418]
Revised Decision
SESHARM(24)000009 Other
2nd HAS assessment response - dEN 301 473 [REN/SES-00417]
Revised Decision
SESHARM(24)000008 Other
2nd HAS assessment response - dEN 301 426 [REN/SES-00415]
Revised Decision
SESHARM(24)000007 Other
2nd HAS assessment response - dEN 300 487 [REN/SES-00412]
Revised Decision
SESHARM(24)000005r1 Other
Available Discussion SESHARM#73-EN 303 978 HAS comments review
SESHARM(24)000004r1 Other
Addressed_Comments_RED_S. Lundbech_RED_EN 303 978
Available Discussion SESHARM#73-EN 303 978 HAS comments review
SESHARM(24)000006 Other
Extract from ETSI report to ECC#63
Available Information SESHARM#73-EN 303 978 HAS comments review
SESHARM(24)000005 Other
Withdrawn Discussion SESHARM#73-EN 303 978 HAS comments review
SESHARM(24)000004 Other
Addressed_Comments_RED_S. Lundbech_RED_EN 303 978
Withdrawn Discussion SESHARM#73-EN 303 978 HAS comments review
SESHARM(24)000003 Other
Available Discussion SESHARM#73-EN 303 978 HAS comments review
SESHARM(24)000002 Other
Template for Common checklist for ESOs EC HASTAC
Available Information SESHARM#73-EN 303 978 HAS comments review
SESHARM(24)000001 Other
Draft_responses_to_ HAS_ comments_on_EN303978v2.2.1
Available Discussion SESHARM#72-EN 303 978 HAS comments review