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54 contributions found, displaying 1 to 50
UID Type Title Status For MTG  
SES(24)000040 Other
About the list of ENs from TC/SES at risk of being delisted from the OJEU
Available Discussion
SES(24)000039 Other
Status update from TC SES to the Board related to harmonised standards at risk of being de-listed
Available Information SES#105
SES(24)000036r1 Other
Communication to ETSI TC SES members on harmonized standards at risk of being delisted
Available Information SES#105
SES(24)000038 LSout
SES(24)000038_LS_Resp_on_non-IP_networking_via satellite
Available Information SES#105
SES(24)000037 LSout
Blocking requirements for extended L band
Available Information SES#105
SES(24)000036 Other
Communication to ETSI TC SES members on harmonized standards at risk of being delisted
Revised Information SES#105
SES(24)000023r1 Other
Harmonised Standard for IoT-NTN capable User Equipment operating in Frequency bands below 7.125 GHz
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000024r1 Other
Harmonised Standard for NR-NTN capable User Equipment operating in Frequency bands below 7.125 GHz
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000035 Other
Draft_EN_303_978_v2_2_1_as approved by SES#105
Available Information SES#105
SES(24)000034r1 Other
Draft_EN 300 487_v2.1.6_revised_04062024 for approval
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000034 Other
Draft_EN 300 487_v2.1.6_revised_04062024 for approval
Withdrawn Decision SES#105
SES(24)000033 Other
Group photo
Available Information SES#105
SES(24)000032 Other
Report from WG HARM
Available Discussion
SES(24)000031r1 Agenda
updated agenda
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000031 Agenda
updated agenda
Revised Decision SES#105
SES(24)000030 NWI
NWI Free Space Optical links
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000029 Other
Informative document on ENs included in the list of risk to be de-cited OJ under purview of TC SES
Available Information SES#105
SES(24)000028 Other
Optical Links for Fast and Secure Communications on Ground and in Space (MP-SCI-283-02.pdf)
Available Information SES#105
SES(24)000027 Other
SES ToRs and Officials
Available Information SES#105
SES(24)000026 Agenda
Updated agenda
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000025 Agenda
Updated agenda
Reserved Decision SES#105
SES(24)000024 Other
Harmonised Standard for NTN-NR capable User Equipment operating in Frequency bands below 7.125 GHz
Revised Decision SES#105
SES(24)000023 Other
Harmonised Standard for NTN-IoT capable User Equipment operating in Frequency bands below 7.125 GHz
Revised Decision SES#105
SES(24)000022 Other
Harmonised Standard for NTN-IoT capable User Equipment operating in Frequency bands below 7.125 GHz
Withdrawn Decision SES#105
SES(24)000021 Other
SCN WG activity report
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000020 Agenda
Updated agenda
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000019 Agenda
Updated agenda
Reserved Decision SES#105
SES(24)000018 Other
Questions About WIs Proposed to be Stopped
Available Discussion SES#105
SES(24)000017 Other
EN300487 v2.1.6 Changes for approval in response to HAS assessment
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000016r1 Other
Harmonised Standards under RED whose citation in the OJEU is being considered for removal
Available Information SES#105
SES(24)000016 Other
Harmonised Standards under RED whose citation in the OJEU is being considered for removal
Revised Information SES#105
SES(24)000015 Other
New Work Item on Free Space Optical links
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000014 LSin
LS on blocking requirements for extended L band
Available Discussion SES#105
SES(24)000013 Other
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000012 Other
Proposed Updates to the Terms of Reference of WG HARM
Available Discussion SES#105
SES(24)000011 Other
Proposed Updates to the Terms of Reference of TC SES
Available Discussion SES#105
SES(24)000010a1 Other
Available Discussion SES#105
SES(24)000010 Agenda
SES 105 draft agenda
Reserved Discussion SES#105
SES(24)000009a3 Other
2nd HAS assessment response - dEN 303 978 [REN/SES-00468]
Available Decision
SES(24)000009a2 Other
ESOs common checklist 11032024
Available Decision
SES(24)000009a1 Other
TC response 1st HAS assessment comments EN303978
Available Decision
SES(24)000009 Other
For 2nd HAS assessment - draft EN 303 978 [REN/SES-00468]
Available Decision
SES(24)000008 Other
List of HENs under the purview of TC-SES
Available Discussion SES#105
SES(24)000007r1 Other
Board RC outcome on TC SES proposal to stop HEN work items
Available Discussion SES#105
SES(24)000007 Other
EC view on TC SES proposal to stop HEN work items
Revised Discussion SES#105
SES(24)000006 LSin
LS Requesting advice on implementing non-IP networking over satellite
Available Decision SES#105
SES(24)000005 Report
SES 104 bis minutes
Available Decision SES-104 bis
SES(24)000001r3 Agenda
SES 104 bis agenda
Available Decision SES-104 bis
SES(24)000004 NWI
NWI Independent evaluation of IMT-2020 SRI proposals
Accepted Decision SES-104 bis
SES(24)000003 Other
NWI Independent evaluation of IMT-2020 Satellite Radio Interface proposals
Noted Decision SES-104 bis
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