Terms of Reference for an IPR Committee

Version adopted by General Assembly 48, 21-22 November 2006


  1. to provide advice and guidance to the Director-General, General Assembly, and ETSI Board with regard to IPR related issues when requested.

  2. to assess, elaborate and propose necessary changes to the IPR Policy and IPR Guide resulting from requests from the Director-General, General Assembly, and ETSI Board, as appropriate.

  3. the members of the IPR Committee may use the IPR email list for exchange of views on the evolution of IPR related issues and developments.

  4. the members of the IPR Committee may use the IPR email list to indicate important changes in the environment and to request activation of the Committee by its Chair.

  5.  Unless specifically identified by the General Assembly or the ETSI Board, the functions of the IPR Committee are purely consultative.


Membership of the IPR Committee is open to; 

  • Any ETSI Full or Associate Member,
  • The ETSI Secretariat,
  • The ETSI Counsellors,

 Other guests and experts, as appropriate, may be invited at the discretion of the Chair.

 Responsibility and Chairmanship:

  1. The IPR Committee will be a Special Committee under the responsibility of the General Assembly.

  2. The Chair of the IPR Committee shall be appointed by the GA.


The IPR Committee shall not meet, and shall not be active, on a regular basis but shall be activated in cases where the Chair finds that urgent and important IPR-related issues arise.

 The Chair shall, in any case, call a meeting of the IPR Committee when requested to do so by at least five members of the IPR Committee.

 The IPR Committee shall make use of electronic document handling tools and electronic meeting facilities to the best extent possible. 


Last updated: 2007-03-19 14:50:36