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News from editHelp!

September 2017

editHelp! improves the working methods with the implementation of the new "readme" format.


August 2017

The terms trade name and trademark sometimes confuse business owners and consumers because they sound similar.

ETSI strongly advise that no trademarks are used within ETSI documents.


8th November 2016

Should you have any doubt about the conformity of your ETSI draft with the ETSI Drafting Rules, then it is time to send it to editHelp! for a clean-up service!


3rd October 2016

The DPC team goal is to provide high quality service while reducing the pre-processing time for deliverables.

Via the editHelp! tools and services, we have identified a series of frequently asked questions to rapporteurs during the pre-processing of deliverables. 

Further details can be seen in our latest newsflash. Click here


September 2015

From 1st September 2015, the production time for ENs is being reduced by shortening the duration of the Approval Process (AP). 

Further details can be seen in the presentation showing how this reduction is to be made. Click here 

To get the most of this presentation, please don't forget to turn on the slide show (see picture)

ETSI has been following the conventions of other standards organisations such as ISO, IEC, ITU, CEN and CENELEC, and the CEC stating that -ize shall be used when the suffix is added to create a verb from a stem which is a noun. This rule will remain unchanged but an important exception has been added. ETSI has decided to align with European Standardisation Regulation in their spelling of the term Harmonised Standard (spelled with "s" rather than "z").
This change will be applied from 21st May 2015 to all new drafts including document revisions.

Outside the context of the Standardization Regulation, the spelling rules remain as they are - "Harmonize" written with a "z".

For this reason the Harmonised Standard skeleton was updated accordingly and can be downloaded via the editHelp! website.

Early 2015, there was some concern regarding the update to clause 2.12.2 "Paragraph" of the ETSI Drafting Rules (EDRs). The update was made as part of our continuing efforts to improve the quality of ETSI deliverables. This is explained in more detail in the following link as well as providing you with information on how the update can be implemented.

April 2015

In ETSI deliverables such that clauses or subclauses that have text below the title cannot contain further subdivisions. 

Further details can be seen in our latest newsflash. Click here.