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Work item number  VersionCurrent statusNext statusRapporteur name
REN/ESI-0019132-1v131 (EN 319 132-1)
Part 1: Building blocks and XAdES baseline signatures
 Download document1.3.0Start of EN Approval Procedure (2024-04-24)End of EN Approval ProcedureCruellas Ibarz Juan Carlos
DTS/ESI-0019152-1 (TS )
  0.0.5Status has changed within the last 45 days Stable draft (2024-06-16)Final draft for approvalCruellas Ibarz Juan Carlos
REN/ESI-0019162-1v121 (EN 319 162-1)
ASiC part 1 Building blocks and ASiC Baseline containers
   Start of work (2023-10-01)Early draftCaccia Andrea
RTS/ESI-0019172-4v1.2.1 (TS 119 172-4)
Signature applicability rules (validation policy) for European qualified electronic signatures/seals
  1.1.4Final draft for approval (2024-02-20)TB approvalPerez Hernandez Jean-Emmanuel
RTS/ESI-0019182-1v121 (TS 119 182-1)
JAdES building blocks and baseline signatures
  1.1.13Status has changed within the last 45 days Waiting - see "Remarks" (2024-06-20)Final draft registered by ETSI SecretariCruellas Ibarz Juan Carlos
RTS/ESI-0019312v1.5.1 (TS 119 312)
Cryptographic Suites
  1.4.4Early draft (2024-04-08)Stable draftBirnbaum Benny
REN/ESI-0019411-1v151 (EN 319 411-1)
Policy requirements for certification authorities issuing public key certificates
  1.4.2Status has changed within the last 45 days Early draft (2024-06-24)Stable draftBarreira Inigo
REN/ESI-0019411-2v261 (EN 319 411-2)
Policy requirements for certification authorities issuing QC
New Work Item  Status has changed within the last 45 days TB adoption of WI (2024-07-11)Start of workBarreira Inigo
RTS/ESI-0019411-5v211 (TS 119 411-5)
Implementation of QWACs
  0.0.1Status has changed within the last 45 days Early draft (2024-06-16)Stable draftEisinger Jochen
DTR/ESI-0019411-7 (TR )
Security Considerations on use of QWACs
   TB adoption of WI (2023-05-05)Start of workPope Nick
REN/ESI-0019412-1v161 (EN 319 412-1)
Certificate Profiles part 1 overview and common data structures
   TB adoption of WI (2024-02-27)Start of workVarga Viktor
REN/ESI-0019412-5v251 (EN 319 412-5)
New Work Item  Status has changed within the last 45 days TB adoption of WI (2024-06-19)Start of workVarga Viktor
REN/ESI-0019421v131 (EN 319 421)
Policy Requirements for TSPs providing Time-Stamping Services
   TB adoption of WI (2024-03-29)Start of workBarreira Inigo
RTS/ESI-0019431-1v131 (TS 119 431-1)
Policy requirements for TSP providing service components operating a remote QSCD / SCD
  1.2.2Early draft (2024-02-26)Stable draftRöck Andrea
RTS/ESI-0019442v121 (TS )
Protocol profiles for trust service providers providing AdES digital signature validation services
   TB adoption of WI (2023-10-24)Start of workCruellas Ibarz Juan Carlos
RTS/ESI-0019461v121 (TS 119 461)
Policy and security requirements for trust service components for identity proofing
  1.1.5Stable draft (2024-03-03)Final draft for approvalOlnes Jon
DTS/ESI-0019462 (TS 119 462)
Wallet interfaces for trust services and signing
  0.0.3Early draft (2024-02-26)Stable draftTabor Michal
DTS/ESI-0019471 (TS 119 471)
Policy and Security requirements for Providers of Electronic Attestation of Attribute Services
  0.0.7Status has changed within the last 45 days Stable draft (2024-06-09)Final draft for approvalLLaneza González Paloma
DTS/ESI-0019472-1 (TS 119 472-1)
Profiles for EAA - General requirements
  0.0.3Early draft (2024-05-30)Stable draftCruellas Ibarz Juan Carlos
DTS/ESI-0019472-2 (TS )
Profiles for EAA - Profiles for Relying party interface to EUDI Wallet
   TB adoption of WI (2023-12-01)Start of workCruellas Ibarz Juan Carlos
DTS/ESI-0019475 (TS )
Relying party authorisations for access to EUDI Wallet
  0.0.1Early draft (2024-02-04)Stable draftTabor Michal
DTR/ESI-0019540 (TR )
Smart contracts scoping study
  0.0.1Early draft (2024-05-30)Stable draftLiquori Luigi
DTS/ESI-0019541 (TS )
Policy and security requirements ledgers with smart contracts as a trust service
  0.0.1Early draft (2024-05-30)Stable draftCadzow Scott
DTS/ESI-0019542 (TS )
Use of EU Digital Identity Wallets and electronic signatures for identification with smart contracts
  0.0.1Early draft (2024-05-30)Stable draftCruellas Ibarz Juan Carlos
DTS/ESI-0019605v111 (TS )
Processing trusted lists and trusted list content
   TB adoption of WI (2024-01-10)Start of workPerez Hernandez Jean-Emmanuel
RTS/ESI-0019612v231 (TS 119 612)
Trusted Lists
   TB adoption of WI (2023-12-01)Start of workDelos Olivier
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