| LI - LI#2010 |
| LI(10)0001 | | Proposed Agenda TC LI#23 Rome 9-11 February 2010 (until Td019) | TB Chairman | Meeting Agenda |
| LI(10)0001r1 | | Proposed Agenda TC LI#23 Rome 9-11 February 2010 (until Td045) | Chairman TC LI | Meeting Agenda |
| LI(10)0002 | | IPR Call | ETSI Secretariat | Other Contribution |
| LI(10)0003 | | LI#23 TS 102 232 Part 02 v2.4.1 on Handover Interface and Service-Specific Details (SSD) for IP delivery: Service-specific details for E-mail services | TC LI#21 | New Draft |
| LI(10)0003a1 | | LI#23 ASN.1 definition: EmailPDU_ver4 | TC LI#21 | New Draft |
| LI(10)0004 | | LI#23 TS 102 232 Part 5 v2.3.2 on Handover Interface and Service-Specific Details (SSD) for IP delivery: Service-specific details for IP Multimedia services | TC LI#21 | New Draft |
| LI(10)0004a1 | | LI#23 ASN.1 definition: IPMultimediaPDU_ver3 | TC LI#21 | New Draft |
| LI(10)0005 | | LI#23 TS 101 331 v1.3.1 on Requirements of Law Enforcement Agencies | TC LI#20 | New Draft |
| LI(10)0006 | | LI#23 TS102 232-4 CR004r1-modification of Annex A | Deutsche Telekom AG | New Draft |
| LI(10)0007 | | (CC) LS from SA3-LI on LCLS LI solutions feedback (SA3LI09-111r2) | SA3-LI#35 | Liaison Statement IN |
| LI(10)0008 | | LS from TISPAN7 on TISPAN WG7 (22PTD078r1) | TISPAN7 | Liaison Statement IN |
| LI(10)0008a1 | | New Work Item on new TD Data Retention in the NGN (22PTD075r1) | TISPAN7 | Liaison Statement IN |
| LI(10)0008a2 | | New Work Item to update TS on NGN LI Stage 1 and Stage 2 definition (22PTD074r1) | TISPAN7 | Liaison Statement IN |
| LI(10)0009 | | TS 101 671 v3.5.1 on Handover interface for the lawful interception of telecommunications traffic | TC LI#22 | New Draft |
| LI(10)0009a1 | | ASN.1 defintions belonging to v3.5.1 | TC LI#22 | Other Contribution |
| LI(10)0010 | | LS from ITU-T SG17 on Work of Q.4/17 (Cybersecurity) and related ETSI TC LI activities | ITU-T SG17 | Liaison Statement IN |
| LI(10)0010a1 | | Proposed initial draft text for Rec. ITU-T X.cybex, Cybersecurity information | ITU-T SG17 | Liaison Statement IN |
| LI(10)0010a2 | | Proposed draft X.dexf, Digital evidence exchange file format | ITU-T SG17 | Liaison Statement IN |
| LI(10)0011 | | LI#23 Meeting Invitation | ETSI Secretariat | Other Contribution |
| LI(10)0012 | | TR 102 661 v1.2.1 on Security framework in Lawful Interception and Retained Data environment | TC LI#20 | Other Contribution |
| LI(10)0013 | | Report ETSI/TC LI Rapporteur’s meeting #22 on “Dynamic Triggering and CCTF Standardisation” (DTS 102 677) Cardiff, Wales, 30 November -1 December 2009 | TC LI Rap#22 | Meeting Report |
| LI(10)0014 | | DTS 102 677 v0.2.2 on Dynamic Triggering of Content of Communications Interception | TC LI Rap#22 | New Draft |
| LI(10)0015 | | DTS 102 677 v0.3.0 on Dynamic Triggering of Content of Communications Interception | TC LI Rap#22 | New Draft |
| LI(10)0016 | | TS 102 657 v1.4.1 on Handover interface for the request and delivery of retained data | TC LI#22 | Other Contribution |
| LI(10)0016a1 | | ASN1 definition, RDMessage, ver4 | TC LI#22 | Other Contribution |
| LI(10)0016a2 | | XSD definition, RDMessage, ver4 | TC LI#22 | Other Contribution |
| LI(10)0017 | | Changes on the ETSI Portal | ETSI Secretariat | Other Contribution |
| LI(10)0018 | | Report on activities in SA3-LI after TC LI#22 | Liaison Officer (Chairman TC LI) | Other Contribution |
| LI(10)0019 | | Summary report on DR activities in the EC/EG on DRD after TC LI#22 | Chairman TC LI | Other Contribution |
| LI(10)0019a1 | | PP0 Introduction to the series: how to use these documents | EC/DR Expert Group | Other Contribution |