2024-09-27 Version 2.3.3
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Details of 'DTS/ITS-00195' Work Item
Work Item Reference ETSI Doc.
STF Technical Body
in Charge
Standard Not
Ready For
  DTS/ITS-00195 TS 103 693   ITS WG1
  Current Status
(Click to View Full Schedule)
Cover Date Standstill Creation Date
  Final draft for approval (2023-11-13) 0.0.8 Draft   View Standstill Information 2019-01-16
  Rapporteur Technical Officer Harmonised Standard
  Christian Wille Andrea Lorelli No
Title Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Vehicular Communications; Basic Set of Applications; Diagnosis, Logging and Status Service
Diagnosis, Logging and Status Service 
Scope and Field
of Application
This deliverable describes the Diagnosis, Logging and Status Service defining concepts and messages which can be used for maintenance and Information service between ITS-Stations. The Diagnosis and Maintenance service will support the healthiness during the lifecycle of ITS (e.g. of devices on a railroad track). 
Siemens AG, DLR, Deutsche Bahn AG, FBConsulting S.A.R.L. 


Keywords Projects Clusters Frequencies Mandates Directives
Official Journal
2023-12-15 lorelli Final draft for approval proposal in contribution ITSWG1(23)000250 was Noted by ITS WG1 (see RC ITSWG1(23)DIS093)
2023-11-13 lorelli Draft contributed - V 0.0.8 contributed for Discussion in ITSWG1(23)000250 as Final draft for approval
2023-11-13 lorelli A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.8 with status: Final draft for approval
2022-01-18 khanss A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.7 with status: Final draft for approval
2022-01-17 khanss Draft contributed - V 0.0.6 contributed for Decision in ITS(22)045030 as Final draft for approval
2022-01-17 khanss Draft contributed - V 0.0.6 contributed for Decision in ITSWG1(22)058011 as Final draft for approval
2021-10-19 lorelli Status updated - V 0.0.6 with status: Final draft for approval
2021-10-19 buburuzan Draft contributed - V 0.0.6 contributed for Decision in ITSWG1(21)057004r1 as Stable draft
2021-10-19 buburuzan Stable draft proposal in contribution ITSWG1(21)057004 was Revised by ITS WG1
2021-09-27 khanss Draft contributed - V 0.0.6 contributed for Decision in ITSWG1(21)057004 as Stable draft
2021-09-27 khanss A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.6 with status: Stable draft
2021-05-11 khanss Draft contributed - V 0.0.4 contributed for Discussion in ITSWG1(21)000064 as Early draft
2021-05-11 khanss A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.5 with status: Early draft
2021-03-23 khanss Draft contributed - V 0.0.4 contributed for Discussion in ITSWG1(21)055019 as Early draft
2021-03-23 khanss A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.4 with status: Early draft
2021-02-04 khanss A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.3 with status: Early draft
2021-02-04 khanss Draft contributed - V 0.0.2 contributed for Discussion in ITSWG1(21)000010 as Early draft
2021-01-19 khanss Draft contributed - V 0.0.2 contributed for Information in ITSWG1(21)054014 as Early draft
2021-01-19 khanss A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.2 with status: Early draft
2020-10-19 khanss Draft contributed - V 0.0.1 contributed for Information in ITSWG1(20)053023 as Early draft
2020-10-19 khanss A new draft is uploaded - V 0.0.1 with status: Early draft
2019-01-25 BUBURUZA TB adoption of WI ITS, see contribution ITS(19)033024
2019-01-22 BUBURUZA WI proposed to WG ITS WG1, see contribution ITS(19)033024
2019-01-22 BUBURUZA WI accepted by WG ITS WG1, see contribution ITSWG1(19)046013r1
2019-01-22 BUBURUZA WI proposed to WG ITS WG1, see contribution ITSWG1(19)046013r1
2019-01-16 KASSLATT WI proposed to WG ITS WG1, see contribution ITSWG1(19)046013

Specific aspects
  User/consumer aspects

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