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BRAN Activity Report 2018-2019

Chairman: Edgard Vangeel, Cisco Systems
Responsible for the standardization of Broadband Radio Access Networks. 

ETSI’s Broadband Radio Access Networks committee (TC BRAN) produces and maintains standards and specifications for current and future Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) technologies in different frequency ranges.

In 2018 work progressed on the next version of the Harmonised Standard for 5 GHz RLAN, with a main focus on achieving coexistence between different technologies within the scope of the standard. In addition the 5,8 GHz band is being added to the standard as this band has been opened up by some member states. This activity is expected to continue throughout 2019.

Work on the Harmonised Standard for 60 GHz Multiple Gigabit Wireless Systems continued throughout 2018 and is expected to be completed the first half of 2019.

Revisions to the Harmonised Standard for Broadband Fixed Wireless Access (BFWA) in 5,8 GHz were completed, with publication of the standard expected around mid-2019.

Revisions started to the Harmonised Standard on White Space Devices (WSD) operating in the 470 - 790 MHz TV broadcast band. It’s anticipated this work will be completed during the second half of 2019.

We completed the Technical Report studying central coordination of WAS/RLANs operating in the 5 GHz band.

During the year work also progressed on two System Reference documents (SRdoc) which contain a spectrum request to the CEPT. The first one describes the technical characteristics of multiple gigabit wireless systems in radio spectrum between 57 and 71 GHz. The second considers Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLANs) in the band 5 925 - 6 725 MHz. 

In addition to these SRdocs, the group began work on a Technical Report describing Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLANs) operating in the band 6 725 - 7 125 MHz.

Revision to Harmonised Standard (EN) on Multiple-Gigabit/s radio equipment operating in the 60 GHz band
Revision to EN on 5,8 GHz Broadband Wireless Access Systems (BWAS)
Revision to EN on 5 GHz RLAN
Revision to EN on White Space Devices (WSD); Wireless Access Systems operating in the 470 - 790 MHz TV broadcast band